Do you know what the requirements are to be an evangelical pastor?
The requirements to be an evangelical pastor continue to have the same rules as the old testament. Since the new testament does not have different standards for those professionals of the word of God.
How do you get the requirements to be an evangelical pastor?
For the teachings of the new testament, any man who is part of a congregation who wishes to be a pastor and guide his people under the word of the Lord can do so. He as long as he bases his teachings on the word of God and has the call from God.
It is important to mention that God does not require wealth, social status, education, age, or great spiritual gifts. It is simply sought that the person wishes from the heart to shepherd his people to the path of good.
It should be mentioned that the real damage that occurs in congregations occurs when human elements are added to the word of God. Which end up being arbitrary requirements destructive to established god teachings.
The requirements of faith that are placed by the hand of man are exclusive and are qualified as dishonorable elements. They destroy the true sense of leadership among pastors.
In places like China, missionaries unfortunately had these kinds of problems. Since they are so used to living on requirements that they add elements that make certain factors are denied. Emphasizing men with specific characteristics.
For example, a young man recently studied, coming out of the seminary, is not capable of leading a house of God. Since they need great experience and reputation in the middle to establish the word as the head of the temple, even though he has a pure soul capable of handling the word of the lord with skill.
Despite this, young men like this are considered qualified and another man who has the requirements but does not pass the seminary exam is not considered qualified and ends up not practicing.
What is needed?
Those who are faithful to the sacred scriptures submit to God’s plan with reference to the temples made to praise him, thank him and make requests. The leadership of the churches according to Acts 20:20 must be accepted for all those men who are called by the Holy Spirit to shepherd his people.
This type of action guided by the word of God can become problems for those professional pastors who rarely take into account the true apostolic mentality.
In the New Testament scriptures, the elders found in the church are part of the men of God’s temple in the localities. These usually want to lead the flock and in addition to that they are considered qualified according to the word of God in the bible.
It is important to mention that the requirements embodied in the Bible are divided into three parts that are directly related to the moral and spiritual character that is related to the word of God. In addition to this, it is qualified by the abilities motivated by the spirit.
Timothy 3:2
They are irreproachable people.
Be the husband of one woman.
Possessor of self-control, that is to say that he is a balanced and sober person.
You must be a prudent and sensible person with good judgment when making decisions.
Have good customs, incorruptible manners, virtuous and decorous.
You need to be a host.
Have the conditions to teach.
It cannot be given to liquor, like wine.
Among the traits you should not have is aggressiveness.
You have to count on kindness to your people.
You need to be a calm person.
Do not perform actions for dishonest gain.
Born leader with his family and very fair.
Don’t be an inexperienced person.
Owner of good testimonials on the outskirts of his community.
Titus 1:6-9
They are considered blameless.
Husband of one wife.
That you have children who believe in the word of the Lord.
You cannot be a proud person.
That is a person incapable of being angry.
Do not have customs related to vices such as wine.
Being a flashy and quarrelsome person should be avoided.
It can not be a dishonest person who benefits from elements related to faith.
Must be a host person.
Follower of good things, seeking to give better to his people.
It is recommended that you be a sensitive person.
Possess a positive, fair and upright conduct.
A person devoted to the word of God, very believer and with deep faith.
That is not a person. distrustful of her abilities. Owner of himself.
Spread the word of God and exhort or refute.
Peter 5:1-33
They have the power to shepherd the people of God through voluntary acts, without using force.
That they do not have dishonest earnings, on the contrary, cheer up soon.
He must not be an imposing person, he must take care of doing things well to be the example for his flock.
What should be the moral and spiritual character?
With reference to the requirements that are reflected in the bible, their election factors are directly related to moral and spiritual elements.
You need to not be irresponsible. For it is necessary that whoever is in charge of spreading the word of God not be tempted by any trick of Satan.
On the other hand, according to the list made by Paul, it is necessary for pastors to have only one woman as a wife. Primordial and specific virtue. That is why she must be an extremely correct person with reference to married life and in turn sexual.
Since its inception, the Lord spoke and warned about the severe punishments related to the elaboration of libertine sexual practices that were related to other pagan nations. His people should not act this way.
God asks his children to be holy and to function separately from other nations. On the other hand, they have to be very faithful to the pact they make when joining in marriage and at the same time sexually pure.
For the Bible, sexual purity and marital fidelity are necessary. It is a primordial ethical aspect in the bible and remarkable. There are rules that were created by God to be fulfilled. With reference to the sexuality that the human being should have.
These are indicated in the scriptures, in addition to this they are considered the most outstanding rules of relationship between human beings. For the Old Testament, adultery is totally retaliatory, it is an element of reprimand just like idolatry.
For Jesus and the apostles, marital fidelity is necessary to obtain a good relationship. It includes sins related to sex, in the lists related to sins. Sex and infidelity are among those that top the lists.
In the eighteenth chapter of Leviticus, Moses speaks specifically of all the sins related to sex, related to nations overflowing with pagan beliefs, that would draw near to Israel and surround her. It is at this moment that the Lord speaks to his people about the injustice of these sins.
God indicates that none of the depraved sexual practices should be carried out by his people. Since this is a reflection of corrupted beings.
That is why these practices considered abominable that other nations take care to practice without caring that you observe, are a source of contamination. This was reflected in Leviticus 18:24,30.
Purity is also an important and teaching part for the people of Israel. According to Ephesians 5:3, Paul indicates that they are free from fornication and filth and in turn unspeakable for those who meet God’s demands.
Why is sexual purity in leadership so important?
History has proven that among Satan’s most common wiles is adultery. Specifically in marriages that lead the people of Israel. The main enemy of God is aware that if he is able to profane the marriage of his shepherds, the sheep will follow them and thus the people will fall into temptation.
That is why the job of the shepherds is to protect and not allow evil to seduce you to commit sins. For this reason, the ecclesiastical institution must constantly and determinedly demand that all its pastors comply with the commandments expressed by God.
The churches of each locality that comply with the rules established by God have the opportunity to be exemplary. You must not fall into negative sexual practices and marriages that are based on current elements.
According to some believers, they consider that a large number of believers who call themselves Christians do not take into account the outstanding elements of the Old Testament. This is directly related to the consequences related to sexual misconduct.
Some other sins considered sexual have become epidemic elements that have risen to catastrophic levels.
Currently divorced people are accepted without any problem, as well as new marriages between clerics. In addition to this, they have thought to discuss accepting lesbian couples.
It is important to see the laws made by God in relation to sexuality as qualities, which improve the emotional conditions of humanity.
Spiritual integrity and maturity must be factors capable of improving human conditions. God is the one who should govern our body and soul.
On the other hand, it is important to reject any vice related to alcohol, money and drugs. Church leaders need to be the best example of life. These must truly be lovers of spirituality and enemies of Christian disrespect.
Those who manage the work as pastors must cultivate elements related to intercommunication relationships. It is for this reason that they are usually kind people, with great emotional stability. They are also very prudent and capable of understanding their people and at the same time guiding them.
Those people who have a violent and hurtful personality and without understanding capacities. It is impossible for them to be positive pastors for the word of God, since they create conflicts.
Pastors need to have a passive spirit, apart from the stubborn and irascible. It is important to mention that correctly chosen pastors cannot be newly converted Christians.
It is important that you be a highly experienced, humble and spiritually mature disciple of our Lord.
Should the sexual lives of leaders be examined?
When the leader who will have to shepherd the followers of the word of God is going to be selected. Their moral attitudes and personality are examined. Looking for him to be the right person.
However, the moral qualities in direct relation to sexuality are not usually very examined. Situation that sometimes causes problems.
You should know what their conditions and thoughts are in relation to marriage and fidelity, according to the opinions of some theological experts. In addition to being considered sexually pure. In turn, they do not verify that personal purity.
It is important to keep the sexual conduct of pastors under constant scrutiny at this time. In addition to the cultural evolution of religion.
These types of questions should be just as important as those made as doctrine. Of ethical and moral elements. Since the pastors must have knowledge of this type and the characteristic morals of the Bible.
pastoral call
The calls of the shepherds are important to determine if their people will be well guided. However, on many occasions the motivations of the pastors are incorrect. Even at the time they start their growth process they are not able to develop enough.
On the other hand, there are essential requirements that collaborate with the development of a good shepherd. Which are the following:
Tim 3:1-13 Tit 1:5-9
This is based on compliance with the rules imposed by the Lord. On the other hand, this evaluation that is carried out seeks to verify if the required apostolic results are achieved.
According to the main rules, the applicant must have a good testimony. Character and maturity are a requirement for ministry and pastor. Some young people are like an encyclopedia, it seems that they have the software in their heads, but they do not have the character or the maturity to be a pastor or to do ministry. I’m not saying that this disqualifies them forever because thank God maturity and character can be developed later.
But definitely if one does not meet the requirements expressed in Timothy and Titus is ruled out. For example, you must be able to teach. No matter how well you want to be a pastor, if someone is not qualified to teach, it is obvious that he is not qualified for the pastoral ministry.
Commitment and love for the proclamation of the gospel
When a person has the pastoral trait, the pastor has the opportunity to meet the requirements of his people with passion and love. It is recommended that they be extroverted or at least capable of creating bonds. In turn, interpersonal relationships are a domain factor.
A person with a pastoral calling must have a passion for reaching the lost and sharing with people. I am not saying that he must be an extrovert, but he must, at least, want to establish relationships between people.
Many people have the conditions to impart teachings of the word of God. However, he does not have the elementary conditions to be a shepherd. On the other hand, he must believe and be passionate about the words reflected in evangelism.
There are many prepared people and spreaders of teachings, but they are not capable of taking responsibly the commitments related to other aspects of the pastors. They are not proficient in counseling and there are many tasks that they do not perform that are necessary as a pastor.
It is important to mention that the most important task for the pastor is the expansion of the evangelical words. However, passion and commitment are also needed in the other tasks.
Under authority and service in the church
It is important to handle and accept the authorities of the church. On the other hand, it is important to keep in mind that there are many people who spend long periods of time in the hospital.
It is important that you meet all the requirements of the church so that these types of moments are healthy correctly. As you get more opportunity and make you grow as a believer.
Sometimes they see a piece of paper on the floor, they walk past it and don’t pick it up. They know that there are brothers within the congregation in need, but they are not moved to approach them to minister to them. They are not part of ministries in their local church, they do not participate in personal evangelism, and worse still, their pastors cannot give faith and testimony of a life dedicated to service inside and outside the church.
That is serious. Many aspire to be pastors, but they do not serve their pastors or their churches, much less their community.
Testimony of those up close
The opinion of the wives, children, parents and siblings of pastors and those who want to be pastors is important. For if the pastor or aspirant does not have control of his family, he will not be able to correctly guide his flock.
If those who surround the pastors and aspirants of it, ensure that it has a pious and loving character to God. He truly has the call of our Lord to be a guide to his flock.
Proof of this is that sometimes preachers indicate that they are passionate about the word of God and fulfill each of his commandments. But when looking for testimonies from his relatives, as is the case with his wife, the testimony is totally different.
In many cases their flock is not comfortable with them and they are not able to connect with them on a spiritual level. This is of importance because the leaders of a temple must respond correctly to their call.
The right pastors respond to a call from God. If he does not receive the call, as much as he wants to be a pastor and is passionate about the word of God, he cannot do this job. For he does not consider himself qualified for the ministry.
It is extremely important that the external calling of those who are chosen to lead the flock of the Lord. Through an external confirmation.
Be teachable and humble
It is necessary for those who are servants of God to be experienced people. The reading of the word establishes good teachings. On the other hand, it is extremely important that they be humble people. Good disciples who aspire to be good shepherds.
For Latin American communities, the expression of this teaching mandate has been misunderstood on many occasions. Position must be an expressive man made to help solve problems.
Machismo does not allow men to develop in a more extroverted way. This trait is necessary to be a good shepherd, because if this trait is not available, the shepherd can lead to failure or destruction.
Good shepherds must keep in mind that it is necessary to give an account for their lives to others. It is necessary that they wish to be taught and corrected if necessary by the ministered. They have to be good people who get along correctly with a variety of people.
Fervent desire to exalt and glorify God
The true reason for the call to be a pastor is to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ. However, there are people who become shepherds for the fame and power it offers, destroying their true goal.
Those who are pastors should naturally glorify God and develop their communication with him through prayer. As John 3:30 says, it is necessary for the Lord to increase while I decrease.
That is why the primary objective of the ministry and its pastors is to make the word of Jesus known to all those who do not know it on earth. There are other requirements, however these are the most outstanding. Which in turn significantly influence the call of God. (See Article: Psalm 91 a prayer for protection and mental and physical healing )
What is a shepherd?
Pastors are characters who have a certain authority within the Christian church. They have the task of guiding and caring for the believers who are under their tutelage. It is commonly a denomination that is carried out in evangelical churches and traditional Protestant churches.
However, they can also be seen on priests, deacons and bishops, in some churches of Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican beliefs.
Origin of the word
Its origin comes from the Bible. In the Old Testament, this word of Hebrew origin is mentioned about 170 times. Relating to those who care for and feed the sheep as in Genesis 29:7 describing that they are those who care for and feed the spirit striving in the word of our Lord.
According to Jeremiah 3:15, which indicates that his heart should be that of a believing pastor who is also knowledgeable about science and who is intelligent at the same time.
For the New Testament this word is used about 29 times. Jesus is constantly referred to as a shepherd. Even Jesus calls himself a good shepherd as indicated in the Gospel of John 10:11.
In the birth of Jesus chapter 2 of the Gospel of Luke he is referred to as the shepherd of sheep. When it is said to shepherd in the new testament, it speaks of the work of Jesus.
It is important to mention that the shepherds have the lifestyle of giving up certain luxuries since they have to dedicate themselves to the people. In addition to this, each pastor deserves the people he guides and in turn the people have the pastor they want. (See Article: Protection prayer for babies )
The pastor and his people with correct elements, based on the word of God, have knowledge about the biblical scriptures. Pastors must not enrich themselves from their people nor suffer from needs.
This type of arbitrariness is normally displayed when the congregation that follows the pastor does not really know the word of God. Causing the people to suffer from needs. It is important to mention that there are only two types of people who work with their people, they can be shepherds or butchers.
Lack of knowledge
People who believe in the Lord are destroyed when they do not have enough knowledge. This type of people is affected because the church is not the pastor, it is rather our Lord Jesus Christ.
The shepherds are the channel of communication and guide that you have with God. The church is made up of the people and they must know how to value themselves. The pastor is one more who has a certain authority.
Greed and merchandise with the word of God
In the New Testament it is remarkably pointed out that there are a great number of swindlers who fake the word of God, in order to have dominion over a people. That is why it is necessary to correctly evaluate the intentions of those who want to be a pastor and if he was truly called by God.
According to the bible we are in the time of the church of the apocalypse. Where many leaders are looking for goods and riches, without thinking about the love of God.
spiritual wisdom
Those who receive the word of God, have traits of nobility and make it known through communication with the people who believe in our Lord. In addition to this, these people are extremely wise and scrutinize to receive preaching in this way.
What allows them not to be fooled by those who cheat the word of the Lord. The pastor must have a lifestyle based on the regulations that are reflected in the Bible. Pastors should never have a lifestyle that thrives on clutter.
wicked shepherds
There are pastors who consider themselves evil, since they want to deceive with the word of God. These seek as victims multitudes who do not know the word of God in depth, to easily deceive them.
It is at this time that pastors adopt lifestyles similar to those of millionaires. Spending the money of his followers to perform greedy activities. Spending money in the name of God. (See Article: Prayer of thanks for health )
How should one act in reference to pastors with a bad lifestyle?
The first step is to verify how he was economically before and after having started the work of shepherding a town. Because these rich shepherds with a poor spirit need the prayer of their neighbor.
Since it is recommended that each being who wishes to be forgiven of their sins. Jesus Christ teaches us that love is the main element that allows us to be connected with the teachings of God.
This means that the true symbol of Christianity is humility, simplicity, service to God