History of San Blas patron saint of diseases
You want to know more about the life and history of San Blas , the patron saint of diseases, you came to the right place since this post will be dedicated to the life and work of this distinguished character, we will describe everything about his life, history, festivities and all relevant information about which may be of your total interest, do not stop reading it.
Saint Blaise
Blas de Sebaste or better known as Saint Blas, was a doctor and bishop of the City of Sebaste, known today as Turkey, events that occurred between the 3rd and 4th centuries. In a cave in the forest of Mount Argeus he lived as a hermit, a cave which respectively became his episcopal seat.
From what San Blas is known at the time of the Roman emperor named Licinius, he is persecuted and tortured, as part of the persecutions that were constant for Christians at the time, which had been in the fourth century.
Its capture is given in the following way; the hunters were sent to the forest in search of animals such as the Argeus sand games, and when they arrived at the place they realized that many animals were outside the cave where San Blas resided. And just at the moment when he was in prayer he takes him as a prisoner respectively.
After his capture they tried to make him renounce his faith, but they were unsuccessful, however, the time he spent as a prisoner served him so that in this way the saint managed to intercede with God for some of his fellow prisoners so that they worked hard.
After being a prisoner for a while, Saint Blaise is thrown into a lake with all the intention that he drown, however, by the grace of our God, when he falls into the lake, he remains standing and standing on its surface, with this fact of bravery invites all the people who were persecuted to jump into the water to demonstrate the powers of the Gods, but with the novelty that the wicked people drowned.
Once the saint returns to earth, he is tortured and then beheaded, for this reason it can be said that Blas de Sebaste dies a martyr, his terrible murder occurs in 316 AD, this is the date on which Blas de Sebaste leaves for the house of the father after the events that occurred and being cruelly beheaded for his beliefs.
The cult of San Blas spreads throughout the East and then by accident over time, according to history for the Middle Ages, at this time in Rome only a total of 35 churches under the patronage of San Blas were counted. The day of San Blas is celebrated every February 3, respectively, the believers of the saint worship and venerate him through festivities, that is, the churches of the West.
However, in the churches of the East, its festivity is celebrated every February 11, it should be noted that San Blas is considered by the Catholic Church as one of the 14 auxiliary saints and by the Orthodox Church as one of the anarchic saints.
San Blas is considered the patron saint of patients with throat problems. In this way, it can also be mentioned that he is recognized as the patron saint of otorhinolaryngologists. In the same way, this saint is the patron saint of the Republic of Paraguay, of many of Spain and Croatia, cities in which the dedicated festivities are very popular, in 2009 these festivities were incorporated by UNESCO into the list of intangible cultural heritage of The humanity.
At first, when practicing medicine, the saint took advantage of the time and thanks to his great popularity for being an excellent doctor, to speak to all his patients about Jesus Christ and his holy religion, in this way he spoke to them about our Lord until the great Most of his patients declare themselves followers of Christianity.
After both his patients and the whole town became aware of his holiness, they praised him as a bishop, but around that time the persecution of Diocletian began, and as previously mentioned, Saint Blaise hides inside a cave in a forest where he lives as a hermits, from this cave he continued to encourage the Christians and the others persecuted by the Romans.
At night he would sneak from the cave to the city, in order to be able to help, help and comfort the persecuted people who had already managed to catch and who were in jail and also be able to take the Holy Eucharist to where they were. And that way they don’t feel helpless.
According to legend, outside the cave where Saint Blas lived at that time, beasts that were injured or sick arrived so that he could heal them, after he healed the animals they returned to his cave as a way of thanking them to visit him with much love. However, one day the government sees the hunters arrive at the mountain since they had the task of looking for animals for the city games, the saint realizing this scared all the beasts that were out of his cave so that they In this way, no hunter will be able to catch any beast.
The quite annoying hunters as a form of revenge take him prisoner, however his arrival in the city was triumphant since all the people like that did not belong to the religion that he preached or did not go out to the streets of the city to be alarmed as it is. a great saint and a true benefactor, in addition to being a great friend and an exemplary person, everyone who knew him had only good things to say about him.
The governor tried to buy his beliefs and his conviction in exchange for leaving the Christian religion and joining the pagan religion, offering him thousands of gifts and many sales, to which Saint Blaise firmly answers that he will be a friend of our Jesus Christ and proclaim his holy religion until the last day of his life that not all the money in the world would change his mind.
After his response he was brutally beaten and his back was torn with a hook, however, it should be mentioned that during all this savage deed the saint did not utter a single word, much less a complaint, he only dedicated himself to praying in his mind for each one of his executioners and because Christians will always preserve their faith despite the circumstances.
The governor, realizing that the saint would not change his mind and would never stop acclaiming God, orders him to be beheaded, when they took him to the place where he would be beheaded all the way, he only dedicated himself to blessing, for all this martyrdom he had that living the crowd that was around him looked at him with great admiration and thanks to his blessing many of the people present there obtained the cure for their illness.
On the way to his guillotine, so to speak, there was a particular healing that caused much joy among the crowd of people who were there, a woman with her son in her arms dying because a fishbone had stuck in her throat. Seeing San Blas pass, he runs out and kneels in front of him with her little son dying, he proceeds to place his hands on the child’s head and pray to him. After this act, the thorn completely disappears from the child’s throat and he recovers his health, all the representatives applaud and proclaim.
After they cut off his head in the year 316 AD, many miracles began to be attributed to him, since the faithful believers of God prayed with great faith for any favor they needed, Saint Blaise at the time when he was only in Italy at that time. to having 35 churches that were dedicated solely to Saint Blaise, his country, Armenia, became Christian a few years after his martyrdom.
San Blas for ancient times was known as the patron saint of hunters, it is also important to note that many people had immense faith in you as the great protector of throat diseases after the beautiful miracle he did with the baby of that poor woman who was dying.
Every February 3 it was a tradition to light two candles in honor of this great saint and in this way proceed to place them in the throat of the person who was suffering from it and say: “Through the intercession of Saint Blaise, may God free you from the evils of throat”. And if it was a child they would get sick from the throat, the mothers would repeat: “Blessed Saint Blas, the little angel is drowning”.
Also the people to invoke the protector of the throats in the face of any adversity did it through the following prayer with a lot of devotion to him since they knew of his great kindness and how miraculous he is:
To San Blas, so kind and generous, let us ask him to obtain from God the healing of bodily diseases of the throat, but above all to cure us of that spiritual disease of the throat that consists in talking about everything that should not be said. speaking and being afraid to speak of our holy religion and our gracious Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Saint Blaise’s Day
Surely you wonder when is the day of San Blas ? As previously mentioned, the day of the patron saint of otorhinolaryngologists or patron saint of throat diseases, as it is also called, is on February 3 respectively, now, we are going to know what these celebrations are like and what traditions the faithful of devotees of this great saint to pay homage to him on his day:
Every February 3 in the municipality of San Blas Atempa (Oaxaca) without any interruption, the day of San Blas is celebrated, so these festivities are known to last approximately more than six days, which are called patron saint festivities, the popularity of the celebration It is due to the great faith and devotion of all the inhabitants of the municipality for their patron.
The municipality of San Blas celebrates its patron in a very special way, the patron saint festivities in his honor are full of joy, faith, love and devotion to his saint, the typical patron saint festivities are specifically characterized by two important events initially and that is that the activities respectively begin at dawn with the characteristic intonation of the mañanitas for San Blas and then all the faithful go to the typical midnight mass that religiously takes place every February 3 without fail.
Another tradition within the festivities that we can highlight is the characteristic dance of the concheros, in which for said dance the people who perform it wear costumes which are inspired by pre-Hispanic culture.
In the atrium of the Church at 3 in the afternoon on the day of San Blas you can see his image which represents his facet as patron saint of hunters, since it reflects him as that character who hid inside the mountains and He is there dedicated to healing fierce wounds that reached the entrance of his cave, as well as encouraging and helping all those Christians who needed him from the persecution of Diocletian.
Another activity that can be rescued during these festivities is the blessing of the sea, so that all those who have fishing as a profession have a very good one when they head out to sea and in this way they can also face calm waters during their fishing and that both the boats and the crew arrive at the port safe and sound and full of prosperity.
Respectively for the blessing of the sea in the port or pier there are approximately a total of 50 boats waiting for the arrival of the saint, they can be seen from huge fishing boats to the most humble boats, but all with the same mission to wait for the blessing of the sea , adore and honor their patron.
After the blessing of the water, a traditional mass is held on the beach with the presence of thousands of faithful and then they proceed to return to the church together with the image of the saint in a beautiful procession full of songs and praises for him, until arriving to the church where fireworks are expected in his honor.
This celebration in the church full of fireworks is characterized by being full of songs, allergy and many praises which can last up to more than an hour respectively, many faithful shout and sing until their throat is exhausted and that is why before begin this entire celebration entrust themselves to him with the following words: Through the intersection of San Blas, God free you from the evils of the throat.
This is the characteristic prayer that is dedicated every year in the festivities to the patron saint of the municipality and through which they are entrusted when their celebrations approach, as already mentioned in previous lines.
During the 6 days that the patron saint festivities last approximately, they carry out various activities such as; the women parade in traditional tajes, there are also motorcar and wheelbarrow parades which are accompanied by butlers, ‘shuanas’ and ‘shelashuanas’ as they take a tour of all the streets of the town of San Blas.
As in Mexico, in Spain, every February 3, the day of San Blas, patron saint of throat diseases, is also celebrated, as recognized by many towns in Spain. Next, we will describe how they venerate and celebrate it in various Spanish towns and what are your traditions for these dates:
In the town of Toril Cáceres, every February 3, processions are held in honor of Saint Blas, the inhabitants of the town make cords that are then symbolically blessed by the saint during his Eucharist of worship on his day, these cords are the representation of the cures he has performed on people with throat diseases.
On the other hand, it can be noted that the day of San Blas in the town of Oviedo has been celebrated since the 16th century, respectively, after the brotherhood was founded in honor of the Bishop of Sebaste to venerate the relic (the relic was a bone from the forearm of the bishop) that was previously kept in the convent of la Vega. The nuns of this convent were expelled from their enclosure in 1854, however, the custom of worshiping and venerating the relic continued to be celebrated every February 3, respectively, but now in the monastery of San Pelayo.
Monastery where the nuns who were expelled from their convent were received, as part of the celebration of the Bishop of Sebaste’s day, the religious fights as they were named. Every year they make the typical San Blas donuts by hand, which they put on sale for all those parishioners who want to buy them. It can be mentioned that until 2016 the nuns had dispatched a total of 16,000 San Blas donuts.
In Córdoba, specifically in the town of Espejo, to celebrate San Blas, in all the bakeries, bagels are made, along with other kinds of bread to take to the Eucharist and in this way they are blessed to protect all the inhabitants of the town. of any disease of the throat. On some occasions during the celebration of the day of San Blas, the Virgin of Candelaria is also carried, which is celebrated the day before, that is, on February 2.
And in this way go through all the streets selling the bread and donuts of all the locals, house to house, on the other hand, it is also a great tradition that the bakery carts go out to distribute the bread and donuts that already they are blessed in advance.
In Zaragoza, the festivities for San Blas are held specifically in the San Pablo neighborhood and the main tradition is to eat a large roscón in his name. However, in another part of Zaragoza, such as Ateca, it is a tradition that on February 3 a charismatic and semi-grotesque character appears who is called the mask. This character dresses in a suit which bears the colors of the Aragon flag; stripes of yellow and red colors.
In addition, he carries a saber and a shield to protect himself that children usually throw at him when he goes up the hill of San Blas, after he reaches the top of the hill they are surrounded by a number of people with masks and many children, then they proceed to run down the hill until proceeding to reach the hermitage where the saint lived for a long time, eating many sweets is also part of the tradition of this town.
In Benaocaz the festivities to San Blas are known from the 17th century and mainly its central point is the realization of a procession, where the songs and dances of traditional folkloric pieces, such as “jerigonza” and “abandolao” are the protagonists of this such a happy day For visitors who come to this town on this date, the ones that usually cause a lot of curiosity is to see how the image of the saint dances, which gives a mixture between the pagan and the religious, but all in honor of the Bishop of Sebaste.
During the entire procession to the saint, his route is accompanied by joyous songs and praises by all the devotees and parishioners, in this way the saint continues to be danced and balanced with great enthusiasm and joy, it can be commented that until a few years ago even the saint he was offered as part of the celebration chacinas or preserved meats and the so-called donuts of San Blas and at the end of the procession, this that was offered to the saint was usually given to the young people who were serving in the military at the time.
Another tradition that characterizes this celebration is that of bulls that were normally found in all the streets of the city. In another town in Spain such as Los Yébenes, as in many places, San Blas is the patron saint and every year on February 3 pilgrimages, raffles, processions of the saint to the hermitage and crumbs contest are held as part of the festivities. of the local patron’s day.
For its part, in the city of Calmarza, the celebration of San Blas is not celebrated every February 3, in this town it is celebrated on the first Saturday of each February. It is tradition to go out in procession in honor of the saint along with banners that reflect the image of San Blas, to complete the tradition at night a great bonfire is made in the main square, which is lit in honor of the great revered patron saint of diseases. of the throat, during these dates where the festivities take place, it is important to note that many people attend the town to be present at the celebration.
In Albalate de las Nogueras a great bonfire is also lit at midnight on February 2 as the beginning of the celebration of these festivities to San Blas, then on February 3 itself, as a tradition, the well-known rolls are auctioned, which are very sweet. Tasty and similar to the roscones de reyes, which have been delivered previously in the main square of the town, these sweets are delivered in offerings to the saint and then with blessings, at night open-air dances and festivals are usually held in honor of him.
On the other hand, in Colmenar it is not celebrated on February 3 either, the day of San Blas was decreed on the first Sunday of February and together with the Virgin of Candelaria they go out in procession through the streets of the city, both images go out to walk the streets of Colmenar for more than 10 hours since both the Virgin of Candelaria and San Blas don the patron saints of this town on this day thousands of men and women who visit the town are received to participate in the celebration.
It is important to mention that although the day of San Blas in Colmenar is celebrated on the first Sunday of February as already mentioned, every February 3 it is tradition to attend a mass that is held in honor of San Blas in which all the locals attend. with a donut to send it to bless, on the other hand members of the church or organizations that are known as the friends of San Blas originate to take and deliver blessed donuts to those people who do not have them.
Contrary to the town mentioned above in Robledollano if it is celebrated every February 3 on the day of San Blas, to start with this festivity it is tradition that a mass is held and later a procession to the saint and patron of the town which is accompanied by songs. and praises to San Blas.
On the other hand, on February 4 the day of San Blasito is celebrated and this popular celebration is also accompanied by songs, prayers and the popular Parade of the Big Heads, this day is mostly dedicated to children and to end with the festivities In this locality, on February 5, the day of Blasón is celebrated, which is characterized by being a more familiar and less festive day.
In Almería specifically, the day of San Blas is celebrated on February 3 and September 29 respectively, the celebration on both dates is due to the fact that, according to legend, various diseases at this time were killing the inhabitants of the towns and for Through the intercession of the saint it helped that none of the locals of these towns and that is why the saints of San Blas are celebrated twice a year respectively.
For the celebration of this day a mass is held which culminates with a procession throughout the town and to close the celebration of these days in the main square of the town as veneration to the saint a musical band is presented and the image of the saint is danced . Another factor that is part of the tradition of both days is to place a thread with a red bow on the saint and for the parishioners, after it is placed on the saint, it becomes miraculous and is capable of curing any throat disease.
In the town of Alloza to venerate and adore its patron saint, a great bonfire is made in the town square, which is attended by all the inhabitants of the place and who heat their fire during the day with the bonfire and respectively at night to the edge of the bonfire they roast meat for the con to all those who are concentrated there. For its part, in the town of Torrubia, San Blas is celebrated and venerated with the traditional auction of the San Blas thread together with the representation of Moors and Christians.
In Buenasbodas (Toledo) masses are held where anise loaves or donuts are made, which are distributed among those attending the Eucharist once they were blessed, after the mass it is tradition to continue with a procession where songs and alliances reign to the saint, then to continue with the sublime celebration carried out the well-known pujas or auctions, the assistants come with red ribbons around the throat as a sign and protection of it, the organization of these celebrations begin the day before, that is, on February 2 with the celebration of the day of the virgin of Candelaria
In Castillo de Bayuela (Toledo) the celebration of San Blas is characterized by the typical donuts, Eucharist and processions in his honor, in this town or city this saint is mostly worshiped and blessed to ask him to cure and protect all children from throat ailments.
In the towns of Caminreal and Recas respectively, the day of San Blas is every February 3 and is venerated and honored with great patron saint festivities in his honor where all the locals attend to venerate with masses and possessions throughout the town to others with I feel of folkloric practices to pay tribute to its miraculous patron.
In Ciudad Real, to be more specific in Carrizosa, many families, as a tradition on the day of the Bishop of Sebaste, go out through the streets of the town to distribute small rolls and donuts to the rest of the locals and visitors, which are made from; flour, olive oil and matalauva, and it is also part of the tradition that the children of the town go from house to house collecting.
It can also be mentioned that he shares these celebrations every February 3 on the afternoon of this day an image of the saint is taken in procession which runs through the center of the city, which the procession starts from the parish of San Pedro Apóstol. The image that is currently usually taken in procession is important to mention that it was carved in 1946 by Rauselly Llorens, since this year it was taken in procession until today this tradition is followed, the image is venerated throughout the rest of the year in the chapel of Jesús Nazareno and it is already a tradition to acquire the Charities of the Saint.
In Bembrive (Vigo, Galicia) in this locality it was given the name of Saint Brais, its celebration revolves around the realization of pilgrimages which represent the first of the year and it is for this reason that it is said that the district of Bembrive, these pilgrimages are considered the most important of the year in the south of the province, around the previous days that pass before said celebration a large number of furanchos (that is, bars) are open so that locals and visitors can seem to taste the typical wines of this whole area.
A large number of traditional bands that usually play Galician music meet in the parishes of this town, as well as within the same furanchos so that in this way they entertain those who meet there with their peculiar music, another of the great customs What can be mentioned for this celebration is that they usually gather in large groups in the houses of the area to taste a good Galician stew.
In Mañufe (Gondomar, Pontevedra) with great devotion and admiration every February 3rd the day of San Blas is celebrated, its festivities begin in the parish church with the celebration of the Eucharist in the name of the saint from 8 in the morning until 8 in the morning. At night, however, especially at 12 noon, a great and solemn mass is celebrated and then a great procession through town and where the bread or donuts are blessed, as well as food. This is done at the end of the celebration, the Eucharist. It is also important to note that these celebrations are made up of traditional dances, orchestra performances and festivals.
In Briallos (Portas, Pontevedra), as in many of the previously mentioned towns, the celebration of Saint Blaise’s Day in this city also takes place on February 3, in Briallos it is also called Saint Brais. The beginning of these important festivities occurs with the celebration of the Eucharist in the main parish, the masses are celebrated all morning and afternoon as in the case of the city that was described in the previous point.
During all this time thousands of devout faithful come to the parish to participate in the masses, for its part in the last mass that is celebrated in the afternoon it is the one that gathers the most large number of devout faithful who then usually participate in a great procession with candles, in this activity there are usually several groups of bagpipes that animate the procession with songs and praises to the saint and the activity is carried out in the vicinity of the city’s parish church.
As one of the most important traditions this day, it can be mentioned that the bread and donuts are blessed during the first mass of the day so that they are later placed at the disposal of the parishioners and they can take them from a basket already blessed, already at the end of each one of the masses, all those present spread an oil on their throats that was already blessed previously. Outside the church you can see stalls; Polbo a feira, meat ao caldeiro, donuts among other products.
In Torió (Cangas de Onís, Asturias) is another of the towns that can be mentioned where the celebrations to San Blas are held on a day other than February 3. It is celebrated on the first Sunday of February with the typical Asturian pilgrimage, in which a great Eucharist is celebrated in honor of the saint. At the end of the Eucharist, the father proceeds to bless all the donuts and San Blas bread that those present have brought to bless. and if this is the case, take them home and place them on an altar with the image of the saint until it is necessary to consume it as a cure for a throat disease.
At the end of the solemn Eucharist, various folk festivities are held, such as; dances, parades etc. As well as the popular puya’ l ramu (auction of bread and other foodstuffs). During the auction, the blessed donuts are distributed free of charge among the attendees.
In Candelaria (Tenerife) as part of the tradition in Candelaria the image of San Blas is venerated where it can be seen in the cave or hermitage where he lived for some time, this image is located behind the Basilica of Our Lady of Candelaria (Patrona of the Canary Islands). Said sculpture of the saint was carved in wood and it was a work of the Canarian sculptor Fernando Estévez, and every year without fail, every February 3, homage is paid in honor of the saint in the vicinity of Plaza de la Patrona de Canarias .
In Potríes (Valencia), specifically in the l Porrat de Sant Blai, every February 3 as a way of celebrating the patron saint of throat patients, it is tradition to attend Eucharists and when leaving the churches it is mandatory to take the relic that It is kept in the pastoral church and passed through the throat.
On the other hand, in the city of Casavieja (Ávila), in the form of a celebration, it is customary for the so-called zarramaches to take to the streets of the city wearing white suits, esparto mats and cowbells. In this way they make the children who are in their way run and they later throw oranges at them.
In Marmolejo (Jaén) it is essential every February 3 to eat bread rolls and donuts previously blessed in a Solemn mass for the saint in order to protect and cure any throat disease, as well as it is tradition to venerate him on his day.
In Arjonilla (Jaén), every February 3, it is a tradition that the inhabitants of the town go to the church with their threads and donuts so that they are blessed at the end of the mass in honor of Saint Blas, according to the legend of this town, one of Those threads that are blessed must be kept throughout the year so that in this way the saint protects all the inhabitants of the home from possible drowning and provides them with health.
In Jaén, a novena is held prior to the celebration of San Blas so that the last day of it is February 3, that is, the day of saintly celebration itself, at the end of the novena it is tradition to kiss a relic of the saint ( a piece of tibia). You can also find sales of the donuts of San Blas (type of bread) in the same Church of the Magdalena, blessed with the relic of the saint.
San Blas as patron saint
Next we are going to know some countries and cities that adopted San Blas as their patron saint
- Ajalvir (community of Madrid)
- Albal (province of Valencia)
- Albalate de las Nogueras (province of Cuenca)
- Albalate de Zorita (Province of Guadalajara)
- Almatret (Province of Lleida)
- Alpuente (province of Valencia)
- Altea (province of Alicante)
- Aracena (Huelva, Andalusia)
- Arroyo Morote (town of Yeste)
- Ateca (Province of Zaragoza)
- By car (La Rioja)
- Bareyo (Cantabria)
- Benaguasil (province of Valencia)
- Benamejí (Province of Córdoba)
- Benaocaz (Province of Cadiz)
- Boada de Roa (province of Burgos, Castilla y León)
- Bocairente (province of Valencia)
- Buenasbodas (province of Toledo)
- Burriana (province of Castellon)
- Cadiar (Granada, Andalusia).
- Calmarza (province of Zaragoza)
- Castejón (Cuenca province), Castile-La Mancha
- Cazalilla (Jaen, Andalusia)
- Colmenar (Province of Malaga), (Andalusia), (Spain)
- Corporario (province of Salamanca)
- Cubas de la Sagra (province of Madrid)
- Ajalvir (community of Madrid)
- Albal (province of Valencia)
- Albalate de las Nogueras (province of Cuenca)
- Albalate de Zorita (Province of Guadalajara)
- Almatret (Province of Lleida)
- Alpuente (province of Valencia)
- Altea (province of Alicante)
- Aracena (Huelva, Andalusia)
- Arroyo Morote (town of Yeste)
- Ateca (Province of Zaragoza)
- By car (La Rioja)
- Bareyo (Cantabria)
- Benaguasil (province of Valencia)
- Benamejí (Province of Córdoba)
- Benaocaz (Province of Cadiz)
- Boada de Roa (province of Burgos, Castilla y León)
- Bocairente (province of Valencia)
- Buenasbodas (province of Toledo)
- Burriana (province of Castellon)
- Cadiar (Granada, Andalusia).
- Calmarza (province of Zaragoza)
- Castejón (Cuenca province), Castile-La Mancha
- Cazalilla (Jaen, Andalusia)
- Colmenar (Province of Malaga), (Andalusia), (Spain)
- Corporario (province of Salamanca)
- Cubas de la Sagra (province of Madrid)
- Sax (province of Alicante)
- Sepulchre-Hilario (Salamanca)
- Serranillos (Avila)
- Tapiela (town in the province of Soria (Castilla y León)
- Tovar (town in the province of Burgos (Castilla y León)
- Tolocirio (town of (Segovia, Castilla y León)
- Torrent (Valencia)
- Urracal (Almeria)
Republic of Paraguay
- City of the East-Alto Paraná
- Villarrica- Guaira
- City of Itá- Central Department
- Piribebuy
- Dubrovnik
- Morroa (Department of Sucre)
Costa Rica
- Nicoya (Guanacaste Province)
Maratea (Province of Potenza)
Prayer to Saint Blaise
Glorious Saint Blas, you who retired to a cave away from the world to better talk with God, make us find our own talk with Him.
You who trusted in the strength of God, and in his infallible capacity and power, and who through works and miracles managed to convert those who did not believe, transform our despair into faith,
Change our regrets for joy and turn our scarcity into abundance.
Glorious Saint Blaise of Sebaste who responded to the Lord’s call by offering the chalice of martyrdom
And you were persecuted and cruelly tortured grant us your holy intercession.
Saint Blas, doctor and martyr, portent of kindness and compassion that gave so much consolation, love and miracles, that even on the long road to prison people implore your blessing, the remedy of their ills and the healing of their ailments, we beg you to favor us in these moments of great sorrow:
(make the request)
O Saint Blaise, Bishop of Sebaste! we beg your mediation so that you bring before the throne of the Most High this need that afflicts us today, that our pleas be heard and heeded,
and that we never lack the voice to sing with you the praises of the Lord,
seek his will, implore his forgiveness and Divine mercy and ask him for strength to serve him better. Amen.
Accompany the prayer with three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Glories respectively, in addition to doing it with great faith and devotion to the saint.
Prayer to San Blas to relieve sore throat
Oh! Great Saint Blas, I come before you as a doctor par excellence so that you give me your intercession Divine Saint Blas, bishop and martyr, so that God may free me from the throat ailments that I am currently suffering from and take care of me and free me from any other wrong. In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns in all of us. Amen.
Prayer to Saint Blaise to cure cough
O glorious Saint Blaise, who by your martyrdom has left the Church a precious testimony of faith, obtain for us the grace to preserve within us this divine gift, and defend, without human respect, both by word and by example. , the truth of that same faith, which is so viciously attacked and slandered in these times.
You who miraculously cured a little boy when he was about to die from a throat condition, grant us your powerful protection in the same misfortunes; and, above all, obtain for ourselves the grace of repentance, together with a faithful observance of our Church, and avoid offending Almighty God. Amen
To cure throat disease
San Blas, sacred protector of all the ills that affect the throat, today I call on you to attend to my afflictions regarding a strange disease that is affecting my throat and the doctors have not found any solution.
I humbly beg you to intercede for me, so that I can obtain mercy, give me the remedy I need, this favor that I ask you with great faith, I beg you to give me the solution I need to my health problem. Amen.
To health
Miraculous Saint Blas,
undefeated martyr and humble and glorious saint
who with purity of feelings and total dedication
served others forgetting yourself
and always had compassion for the afflicted;
good saint that with simplicity, tenderness and kindness
you gave assistance and healing to the sick,
and love and affection to the little animals that went to your cave,
listen to these my sincere and humble pleas
that I address to you with fervor and confidence.Saint Blaise, blessed and full of faith,
known and acclaimed for the gift of miraculous healing,
both of the people who approached you
and of the sick animals that came to you,
pray to the Father of all mercies
and Lord of all mercy ,
receive us with affection and through your mediation attend us.Glorious Saint Blaise, a man full of virtues
who revealed to us the love of life and everything created,
and taught us what human values are,
now that you have great power before God the Father,
God the Son and God the Holy Spirit ,
ask for healing and strength of (name of person)
that your compassionate heart and love for those in need
are the ones that restore the health of soul and body.You who grant us relief and health,
miraculous cures in diseases,
relieve and heal the ailments of the body
and are a powerful mediator in addictions and dependencies
I ask that (name of the person) be healed, keep
everything away from him-her that makes him feel pain and discomfort,
bless the hands of the doctors
who with great effort treat his illness,
bless those who are by his side to take care of him,
make his body healthy and strong,
do not let him suffer so much, give him a new opportunity,
and send him energy and hope.In the glorious name of our Heavenly Father
and his Son Jesus,
who is the Universal Medicine in all our ailments,
I beg you, Bishop Saint Blaise, do not abandon (name of the person),
put your miraculous hands on him/her
and unite your prayers to mine,
for the complete restoration of his health,
pray that he receive Divine help as soon as
possible and be assisted and healed.I thank you for your mediation, blessed Saint Blaise,
and with limitless confidence in the goodness and mercy
of the Eternal and Almighty Father,
I leave under your protection, care and shelter,
and in His arms so that I may be healed
. this servant of GodThrough our Lord Jesus Christ,
who, being God, lives and reigns with the Father
in unity of the Holy Spirit,
for ever and ever. Amen.
Accompany the prayer with three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Glories respectively, in addition to doing it with great faith and devotion to the saint.
to ask for a miracle
Dear bishop and lover of souls, you voluntarily carried heavy crosses in faithful imitation of Jesus. In the same way, with the compassion of Christ you healed many who suffered. That after suffering horrible torture, you died as a martyr for Christ. Obtain a cure for these (make request) ills if this is pleasing to God. Amen.
to ask for favors
Glorious Saint Blas, you who preferred to get away from the world to consecrate your life to God, make it possible for me to solve all my problems. You who trusted in the power of our Lord, help me to obtain this favor (Say what is desired), that through your works you performed many miracles, you made many convert and believe in the word of the Lord.
Glorious Saint Blas who responded to the Lord’s call by offering the chalice of martyrdom, you who were persecuted and cruelly tortured, grant me your intercession before God. Doctor and martyr, full of kindness, love, compassion, you who were deprived of your freedom for your great faith, and even when they took you to jail, you performed several miracles, you granted the cure to many of the sick who asked you for it , I beg you to fulfill my request. (make the request)
O martyr bishop! I beg your mediation so that you raise my request before the throne of the Most High, so that they are heard and attended to, and that I never lack a voice to sing with you the praises of the Lord, seek his will, implore his forgiveness and Divine mercy and ask for strength. to serve you better. Amen.