Increase your hope with the best reflections of trust in God
The reflections of trust in God will help us to strengthen our hope, when we find ourselves in difficult situations it will be the reflections of trust in God that will help us overcome them, today we will comment on them.
Reflections of trust in God
Who has not had the weakness at some point in his life to think that difficult situations or problems are bigger and more important than God? Being honest, we must assume that at some point in life we believe that there is no solution and we forget of the Power and Protection of God. We forget his promises and our faith and hope are weakened to the point of making us lose communication with God, the creator of everything, who with his infinite power, is always by our side.
Based on this type of situation, regardless of whether or not they are frequent, we bring to you the reflections of trust in God, so that we never again feel that we are alone, so that our hope becomes strong, meditating on the word of God brings us closer to our Father and that approach makes him happy, because every Father is happy when his children are close to him.
In all areas and situations of life we will find in the sacred word messages and reflections of trust in God that will allow us to face and overcome all those situations that we feel we cannot overcome.
Within these situations we find the loss of our loved ones, on many occasions we judge God because the pain does not allow us to understand. When we suffer the loss of a family member, a friend, it is a very sad and painful moment and therefore we must seek spiritual support in the word of the Lord and reflect on them in order to recover hope.
We must remember that the person who departs from our side, will meet again with God the Almighty Father and will have eternal life by his side. We have every right to feel despondent, sad and crying is also consolation, but we cannot lose hope and consolation in knowing it far away, we must recover serenity knowing it by the side of the Father, in a life without pain and suffering, because God keeps its promises.
Therefore, we are called to make reflections of trust in God to help us overcome the pain of our loss, because our hope is Jesus and we must not forget him. A similar situation is not the physical loss of our loved ones, but when our children leave, they move away from the family nucleus, from the path of the Lord, it also feels like a loss, a restlessness, at this moment we must approach the Lord and make a reflection of trust in God.
In the Book of Isaiah chapter 30 verse 1 “Woe to the children who turn aside, saith the Lord, to take counsel, and not from me; to cover themselves with a covering, and not from my spirit, adding sin to sin!” We must reflect on how much we really work to instill in our children the word of God and his purpose, because it also tells us that they will never stray from their path ever.
What should we do then? pray constantly with them and for them, so that they recover their path in the purpose of the Lord. This situation causes us pain but God also tells us that he will wipe away each one of our tears, we can wait with hope because God always keeps his promises.
When we feel that we are weak in our faith and hope we must remember that it is when the Lord is closest to us in 2 Corinthians chapter 12 verses 9 and 10 “And he said to me: My grace is sufficient for you; because in my power it is perfected in weakness”
Therefore, I will rather glory in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore, for the love of Christ, I rejoice in weaknesses, in insults, in needs, in persecutions, in anguishes; Because when I’m weak, then I’m strong.
This reflection of trust in God allows us to recover our strength and confidence in situations that are especially difficult because when we feel that we are weak and helpless is when we are strongest. (See also: Phrases of Confidence in God ).
When sadness overwhelms us, we have to recognize that we are far from God, we are alone and he contemplates us in the sad distance too, because no Father likes to see his children suffer, so we must make reflections of trust in God.
We must pray to get closer to our Father again, to stop feeling broken, with a sore soul, we cannot leave spaces for evil to bring us down, we have to remember and reflect “ The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; And he saves the contrite in spirit.” He is always close to us and when our relationship is close we can only feel joy in our hearts.
We cannot give way to anything that wants to take away the peace that God through his word, his plan and his purpose has placed in each of his children’s hearts. The sacred word of God tells us that we must be full of joy whenever we feel that it is escaping from us, we must pray, thank and be persistent in asking God for the hope that is the joy of waiting. Philippians chapter 4 verse 4 “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say: Rejoice!”
In the Words of God there are messages that make our life a lighter load, we must learn to recognize his advice and reflect on each of the messages that we recognize that they are for us, to solve a situation or overcome a feeling alien to joy.
We must be strong and immune to discouragement, the Lord trusts in our potential and therefore always tells us that we must get up, fight, move forward, never give up trying. He is a perfectionist, he has made us special beings who also have his presence, his accompaniment, his love and protection. We must always keep in mind that when sadness comes to our lives, God is our joy.
There are currently great economic difficulties worldwide, the men in several countries of the world who have the responsibility of guiding the policies that guarantee monetary stability have lost their way, putting many at risk. But these many must have complete trust in God, he covers all our needs and we must make reflections of trust in God. Generosity is shown in times of scarcity, those who give in abundance are not generous, that is why true generosity is measured in times of difficulty.
We are all debtors of the Lord, he gave us life and the whole world in which we live, how do we pretend not to maintain a debt with God, that is why the tithe in the churches, is given to keep the windows of heaven open and to continue giving blessings . When we give the tithe our finances are always prosperous, we must trust in the Lord and assume that it is so.
In the Book of Matthew Chapter 19 verse 21, Jesus told him “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come and follow me.” Thus, there will never be a shortage of money or food because God is our provider, but we must meet the requirements of the tithe to end the curses of shortage.
Trust is not born out of nowhere, trust is built over time and with actions, with the fulfillment of promises. When we speak of trust we unfailingly speak of hope, that is why reflections of trust in God strengthen trust in believers and followers of him.
When we trust we must surrender, we must allow someone else to take control and trust that we will obtain what we ask for and request, that is why trusting men is much more difficult, instead trust is God is born naturally in those who we believe.
Despite having doubts, despite many times being unbelieving in how easily our problems are sometimes solved, we must also recognize that in difficult times we never feel alone, he is always accompanying us in our human and spiritual battles. We are sure that God will never disappoint us, that is why when we pray we strengthen our confidence and when we study the word of God we make reflections on God’s confidence. (See also: prayer to start the school year )
We go through difficult times, it is now when we must have more confidence in God in his word, we find the messages that we must understand and appropriate them to advance on his path, we have glory in hope, in times of difficulty patience is strengthened, waiting with patience we are facing a clear test of faith, faith is love is trust and that is why we must trust that everything will be fine, because love is poured out by God with the presence of the Holy Spirit. We are blessed Thank you Father, Thank you Lord.