Powerful Prayers To Win At Gambling Now
n the world of chance, luck and superstitions are the daily bread. That’s why it shouldn’t be a surprise that his faithful followers follow exactly to the letter some powerful sentences to win at games of chance when they enter a casino or when they find themselves betting for want.
Powerful prayers to win at gambling
Depending on what your need is, there are multiple prayers that have immense power in games of chance, so that you come out the winner. They are different in who they are addressed to and what their purposes are, what is certain is that they have a strong effect on people who resort to these prayers with absolute confidence.
Here you will also find appropriate ways to carry them out or some amulet to increase the power of prayers, it all depends on the faith you have in them. And as a well-versed in games of chance, you should know that everything is about opportunities and that luck is strongly tied to them.
Prayer to San Cono to win in the lottery and in games of chance
Kind and compassionate father. You know that I trust in the Holy Trinity, the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit, since through the intervention of the Saint Cone. I ask that by the grace of your divinity you protect me with well-being, employment opportunities, that you provide the stability that the family always needs. You dear generous and accommodating saint, give me the fortune to win the lottery, as well as; faith, commitment, hope to continue and resistance.
I implore you to help me so I can win. Give me enough confidence to bet another round. Guide me miraculous saint to get the expected numbers that take me to the top. (Please enter your wish of the game you need to get).
Save me if the number I get is number 3 because then death is close to me. I will be saved from your name because of the number of letters that make it up, there are 7, make it my salvation. Don’t let 6 come together with another 6 because it means that I will be there on the day of death, the 18th. You will know that I place all my hopes in you. I beg you to grant me what I have asked of you. And so be it.
Prayer to Saint Expeditus for urgent money causes
I conjure your immense domain and your powerful countenance to you beloved Saint Expedite, so that you intervene on my behalf for my delicate economic situation. You who should know what I wouldn’t give, to get me out of this pool of problems. I would give it all.
So through this prayer I voluntarily give you this body that is only earthly in character. This beating heart that what it does is flow all my hopes in you throughout my body. My mind that only believes in you and our almighty father. And my soul that is surrounded by a light so bright that it illuminates everything in its path because you are by my side on this journey.
Security and my faith is not exhausted despite the fact that many do. I know that you would come to my rescue in a hurry through this prayer to you. Grant me (Please enter here your wishes and how you want the saint to fulfill them). You who are fully aware of my situation, of what I am going through financially.
Light me in this valley surrounded by pure darkness and place me in a place where I only have enormous amounts of prosperity and harmony. May peace be present thanks to you and to the Lord of all heavens and of this earth as well, in all my days. Thank you and so be it. Amen.
Prayer to win at gambling
To all those spirits that surround us when we are betting, I call on you to grant us fortune. Since they are well known as pious, understanding and fully charitable beings. Qualities that no one can deny them because they have helped many.
That is why I ask you to help me, in this opportunity in which I have to play. As you know, I don’t play just for myself, I do it for the improvement of my family so that they never lack for anything. So that they have a roof over their heads to protect them when they need it. Everything you provide me will be pleasantly received by me and my family.
I call you with everything that is inside of me. That is why trust and hope overflow that my prayers will be heard in times of need. My veneration towards you is infinite, therefore I know that you gave me your protection and blessing. Only these will make me feel that I am surrounded by all the good that exists in this world, such as kindness, joy and peace that winning will give me to get away from me everything that worries me in my head.
I need to get the jackpot. Since I know that it will help me with my hopes and plans for the future, so that you evolve in the best way and are successful. I do this with the purpose of paying all those debts that are accumulated one after another and to find a way to solve this big problem. And that through this no more misfortunes come to me.
I need you for my fortune to change since you are experts on the subject. That they are so pious and understanding that they help those who need it. I need them. Grant me the opportunities that I have been waiting for so long to be able to fulfill everything that my heart desires and aspires to, do not let my mind play a trick on me where my worst enemy is me. I ask you. Amen.
Prayer for luck in gambling
Oh divine gods of fortune. Today I conjure them. Yes to you who are the masters of luck and emperors of the great desired fortune. Since thanks to the fact that their gifts grant them the opportunities to be able to grant people that luck and fortune smile pleasantly on them, they know who to choose for this happiness.
You are always present in every game, in every offer, in every bet. Chance is a domain dominated by you and that we mortals know nothing, we are at your mercy. Oh beloved gods of fortune.
The only thing I beg of you is to accompany me, to smile at me so that I can obtain what I most aspire to and that it will benefit my life in very positive aspects. That on this day (Please enter the day and the month) I manage to be the only winner of everything I play, no matter how many times they are. Enlighten me and do not abandon me in this whole process. Don’t let despair and defeat appear on my path. That he has no way of being able to pass or be present. And so be it. Amen.
Effective prayer to attract luck in games of chance
Cards of luck and fortune. Only you are aware of what you find at this table betting. And of those things in life that are impossible to know but that you only have the knowledge.
They are surrounded by pure and blessed light, they are what promote hope among their followers and faithful believers. It is the courts and lawyers who are dealt the cards, much like in a game of solitaire, concealing their intentions until the very end.
Since you choose who has the winning and blessed hand, the one most deserving of your grace, the one that many yearn for. They are the ones who have the domain of who wins and who is defeated. I beg you to shine so bright for me so that I can achieve the path that I so desire to achieve. I beg you with total devotion to you. Do not leave me alone or my family that needs me so much. Protect me with your decisions about my luck and the cards you choose, give me the money I need. And so be it.
Prayer to win money in gambling
You who see everything, hear it and feel it my beloved almighty father. Protect me and protect me from all evil and from all the worries that I currently carry on my shoulders. And that you are the one who reigns over us, no one doubts your dominion, my blessed lord. There is no one equal to your divine power.
You know very well that I am one of your most faithful followers and that I always fulfill your powerful hopes. Help this humble servant who needs so much from you. To be able to clear all the evils that occupy my heart and soul.
You alone are the god of gods. That gives me all the opportunities I need in my life. But now my lord my needs are going in another direction, I am suffering financial problems that will only be resolved thanks to your intervention.
I beg you to help me to get to my house in good manners, to be able to give them what they really need. Because when they go through needs, my soul too. To be a part of the family that everyone respects for my victories and that in this way is worthy of you as your son.
You who have the most glorious and unlimited power that can exist. Protect me so that these situations don’t go wrong, that instead of defeat it’s victory that smiles at me. Since you know what the plays can be, what cards each opponent has. Please, father, do not forsake me and guide me in this difficult problem that I have, which has already become a necessity.
Listen to me almighty father, listen to my feelings through this prayer. I know you won’t let me drift. And that you will fulfill for the love you have for me.
Ritual of powerful prayers to win at games of chance
Keep in mind that these rituals are to strengthen the power that powerful prayers have to win in games of chance, you can pray them without including this part because it is also valid, remember that for the above and for this you need a lot of faith and trust in that will result, is the only step that is indispensable.
For this ritual you will need several things
- A colored candle, preferably white, since it symbolizes the purities of the opportunities in which you are going to bet and a green one that symbolizes the money that you are going to win.
- You can buy sprigs of rosemary or thyme and a few basil leaves.
Try to get a place where your body and soul are without any disturbance. Try to be alone so there are no distractions. The place where you are to calm the energies, if it is the only place that can allow you. Clean it up. With water, coarse salt and blue soap everywhere. After you do this, leave an ice cube in all the corners, wait for it to melt, so that after the water that remains, you rub it around the place and you can continue with the ritual.
We light our candles and get ready to meditate. Try to ask for everything that goes through your mind at that moment and what you need most. With the branches that you have, boil them in water so that the place is impregnated with this smell and at the end of the meditation with your wishes, you bathe in these waters. And you will see how this ritual of powerful prayers works to win at games of chance.