Powerful Rosary of the mystic rose for health
The Rosary of the mystical rose , is performed in many countries of the world and is carried out by the faithful who wish to obtain great health benefits, the requests are full of faith and great hope, learn how this rosary is made by reading the following article .
The Rosary of the Mystic Rose
Like other prayers, the Rosario de la Rosa mystica involves the figure of the Virgin Mary, in honor of her and at the request of the virgin herself, prayers are made taking into account the holy Rosary, which is a devotion that is coming doing for many years.
The Mystic Rose appears in the year 1947 in the Montichiari region, a city located in northern Italy near the Alpine region, it is said that the first appearance that the Mystic Rose made was to the nurse Pierina Gilli, who observed the apparition in the sauce from the hospital where he worked.
The nurse observed a beautiful lady dressed in a purple tunic, her head was covered with a white veil and on her chest she had three swords that crossed her body, she was very sad and told the nurse: “Prayer penance and reparation”, then he fell silent and disappeared.
The second apparition occurred in the same hospital but this time she did not have three swords but on her chest were three beautiful white, red and gold roses, respectively, she was dressed in white, but this time the nurse asked her: Who are you? ? And the virgin replied:
“I am the Mother of Jesus and Mother of all of you. Our Lord sends me to implant a new Marian devotion in all male and female institutes, in religious communities and in all priests. I promise you that if you venerate me in this special way, you will particularly enjoy my protection, there will be a flourishing of religious vocations, fewer desertions and great holiness in your members”.
“I wish that the 13th of each month be consecrated to me as a Marian day and the preceding twelve serve as preparation with special prayers, on that day I will pour out an overabundance of graces and holiness on those who would have honored me in this way. I wish that July 13 of each year be dedicated in honor of Rosa Mystica, that is, “Mysterious Rose”.
The nurse asked her if a miracle was necessary to attest to her presence and the virgin replied:
“The most obvious miracle will be that people consecrated to God, who for a long time and especially during the war, have allowed themselves to be dominated by lukewarmness, to the point of being unfaithful to their vocation and betraying it, those people who with disloyalty have provoked the punishments and persecutions of which the Church is currently the victim, they will cease to seriously offend the Lord and will make the spirit of their founders flourish again”.
Later, the Virgin explained to Pierina the meaning of each of the swords and roses, which serve as a reference and inspiration for the elaboration and realization of the Rosary that we will detail later, the meaning of the swords and roses is as follows:
- The first sword means the loss of the priestly or religious vocation.
- The second sword, the way of life in sin,
- The third sword, betrayal in those people who abandon their priestly or religious life, subsequently becoming enemies of the Church.
- The white rose is the vocation and the spirit of prayer.
- The red rose the spirit of reparation and sacrifice.
- The golden rose the spirit of penance.
The virgin continued to appear to Pierina and made one of the largest apparitions the church has ever seen, in the chapel of Montichiari, on December 8, 1947, the virgin appeared before a large crowd of people who were waiting for her appearance announced by her same
Before this large number of people, the Virgin told them: “I am the Immaculate Conception! “I am Mary of Grace, that is, the full of grace, Mother of my divine Son Jesus Christ.” “For my coming to Montichiari I wish to be invoked and venerated as Rosa Mystica”.
“I want the hour of grace to be celebrated for everyone at noon on December 8; Through this devotion numerous graces will be achieved for the soul and for the body. Our Lord, my divine Son Jesus, will copiously grant him mercy, as long as the good pray for their brothers who remain in sin.”
From that moment the virgin made other appearances during the year 1966 and continued to appear during the following years, in each of her appearances she delivered a message to all those who observed. Devotion to this Marian figure has grown throughout the world and she is venerated in various places through the realization of the Rosary of the mystical rose.
how to make the rosary
Like other rosaries, its content is made up of an initial prayer and seven mysteries, ending with the final prayer. Let’s see how it is done, what its structure and content are.
opening sentence
This initial prayer is a preamble full of praises and thanks to the Virgin that must be made before beginning with the total reading of the rosary, it begins by saying: In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
the seven mysteries
After the initial prayer, the following is performed instead of the Our Father:
“Oh my Jesus, look at the Tears and Blood of the one who had the greatest love for you on earth and loves you with the most fervent love in heaven”.
The Hail Mary is replaced by: “Oh Jesus hear our prayers for the Tears and Blood of your Most Holy Mother”.
The mystery of the seven joys
They are prayed only on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, in each one reference is made to a different situation let’s see:
- First mystery, reference is made that the Holy Trinity grants over all creatures, its domain and power the submission of all of them to the queen of heaven.
- Second mystery, establishes the virginity that raised her above the Angels and Saints.
- Third mystery, establishes the splendor with which it shines in the heavens thanks to its glory.
- Fourth mystery, it is considered the cult that all the elect must render to the virgin as the mother of God.
- Fifth mystery, the speed with which Jesus responds to requests thanks to the intervention of the Virgin is detailed.
- Sixth mystery, describes the thanks and graces received by all the devotees and servants of Jesus in the world and the glory that is prepared for him in heaven.
- Seventh mystery, poses the possession of the virtues at its best and in a perfect way.
Remember that at the end of each mystery a mystical rose prayer should be made, final
The mysteries of the seven sorrows
They take place on Tuesdays and Fridays, during the rosary the most beautiful situations of the Virgin before her son are evoked, as well as her physical beauty and the reason for the roses, let’s see.
- First mystery, the presentation of his son and heard a prophecy from old Simeon that said: “A sword of pain will pierce your soul.”
- Second mystery, she was forced to flee to Egypt, escaping from the persecution of Herod who wanted to kill his Beloved Son.
- Third mystery, the search for Jesus for three days is described, who had remained in the temple of Jerusalem, listening to the wise men and teachers, after the visit at Easter time.
- Fourth mystery, the moment when he finds Jesus carrying on his shoulders the heavy cross that was taking him to Calvary to be crucified, and seek the salvation of man.
- Fifth mystery, the moment when María observes her son bathed in blood and dying, and living the moment of his death.
- Sixth mystery, the moment is described when Jesus is pierced by a spear, is lowered from the cross and delivered to the arms of his mother.
- Seventh mystery, Mary watches her son lying in the tomb.
At the end of the mysteries, the final prayer should be repeated three times, it has the following content:
“Oh my Jesus, look at the Tears and Blood of the one who had the greatest love for you on earth and loves you with the most fervent love in heaven.”
“Oh! Mary, Mother of Love, of Sorrows and of Mercy, we beg you to join your prayers with ours so that Jesus, to whom we address ourselves in the name of your maternal “Tears and Blood”, hear our pleas, granting himself with the graces that we ask of you. the crown of eternal life.
“Your Tears and Blood Oh! Sorrowful Mother, destroy the kingdom of hell. By your Divine meekness, O chained Jesus, keep the world from threatening horrors. Amen”.
The following days it is recommended to perform the rosary following the following sequence:
- Mondays and Saturdays correspond to pray the joyful mysteries.
- Tuesday and Friday corresponds to pray the sorrowful mysteries.
- Thursday corresponds to pray the luminous mysteries.
- Wednesday Sundays correspond to pray the glorious mysteries.
These mysteries correspond to the prayer of the original Rosary that can complement the prayer of the Rosary of the mystical rose, they serve as support and renewal of faith, and that without any type of problem can be performed for the following days of the week.
Prayer to the Virgin for the Offering of the Blood of Jesus
This prayer can be included at any time during the celebration of the Rosary of the mystical rose, its beauty in the content allows to establish all the faith and glory that the faithful render to the Virgin, it details some facets of the suffering of Mary as a mother.
In many churches and chapels all over the world, the faithful arrive looking for the mystical rosary rose in order to solve their spiritual and physical problems, they perform the evocation of the following prayer as a way of requesting the virgin to intercede with Jesus to obtain the goodness of his grace, the prayer goes like this:
“Mystical Rose, Mother of the Church, Holy and Immaculate Virgin, Mother of God and our Mother, I beg you, offer your Divine Son, disfigured by sores and blood, His Most Precious Blood to the Eternal Father for greater honor and adoration of the Divine Majesty.
“For thanksgiving for all the graces and benefits received, for the expiation of my sins and those of the whole world, for the conversion of sinners, for my conversion and amendment, to drive away all serious sins on this day, for the preservation of faith in our countries, for the return and preservation of youth in faith and morals, to save the dying.
“For the Holy Father, bishops and priests, for the needs of the Church, for those persecuted for the faith, for myself: to increase faith, hope and charity, to increase grace and the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, to increase humility, patience, resignation to the will of God, to achieve a holy death.
“For the help and consolation of the afflicted, sick and innocently tormented on earth, for the consolation and liberation of those oppressed by the devil, and for the liberation of souls in purgatory, for the greater joy of angels and saints. Blessed be the Most Precious Blood of Jesus now and forever and ever. Amen”.
Prayers related to the Rosary
After its innumerable appearances, the Rosary of the mystical rose has been prayed more continuously and many involved in Church affairs have obtained various inspirations from divine grace, which they have carried out through the phrases and prayers, where leave captured beautiful prayers related to the Virgin and the Rosary
healing prayer
It is an extensive prayer that requests favors for the health of people and any human that requires you, it can be included somewhere during the performance of the Rosary of the mystical rose or at the end of it let’s see:
“Holy Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ and with the intercession of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, of the holy angels, of the saints, of Mother Mary of Saint Joseph, we present to you the sick in the soul, in the mind, in the body and spirit and we ask you for all of them and also for us to heal us “
“We ask everything according to your Holy Will, Holy Father, in the Name of Jesus, for the merits of his Divine Childhood, for his Precious Blood, for his holy wounds, for his Resurrection, may everything be for your glory. We believe in your power and we ask you, oh good Jesus, that the force of the Holy Spirit be released now and that we all be healed.
“In the Name of Jesus and with the intercession of Mary, Rosa Mystica, of the holy angels, of the holy and blessed souls in purgatory, we ask you, Holy Father, to heal us of all deep wounds in our hearts, of all resentment and rejection. ; from all lack of love, depression and loneliness, heal us from all affective lack.
“Heal us from all frustration, failure, complex and trauma, hatred, divisions, envy, hypocrisy, anger, rage, (the person or request that is required is mentioned). Fill Lord in us any emptiness that may exist with your holy presence and give us your fullness. Give us your freedom and your love. Give us your peace.”
“In the Name of Jesus and with the intercession of our Heavenly Mother Mary, Mother of the Church, of the holy angels and saints in heaven, we ask you, Holy Father, to heal us of any vice that we may have (the person or the application required).
“Heal us from all fear, fear, nervousness, anguish, anxiety, and insecurity, from pride and from all arrogance. Heal us from depression, psychosis, obsessions, from all emotional and mental instability, disappointment, disappointment, bitterness, from rebellion, from all idolatry and superstition, from all mental illness, and from any unforgiveness.
“Thank you Holy Father for listening to our prayers, we know that You are acting with your power and that you can do everything. Lord, in You we trust and in You we hope. We thank you for everything you have done, for what you are doing and for what you will continue to do in our lives. Amen”.
Prayer to Mary, The Mystic Rose
This beautiful prayer describes the physical wonders and the power of the Virgin as redeemer of all beings that inhabit the planet, its content is inspired by the messages left by the Virgin herself and serve as support when the rosary is performed, it says:
“Oh Mary, Rosa Mystica, Mother of Jesus and also our Mother! You are our hope, our strength and our comfort. Give us from heaven your maternal blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
“Mystical Rose, Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Grace, in honor of your Divine Son, we prostrate ourselves before You, to implore God’s mercy. Not because of our merits, but because of the kindness of your maternal Heart, we ask for help and thanks, with the certainty of being heard”. (A Hail Mary is prayed)
“Mystical Rose, Mother of Jesus, Queen of the Holy Rosary and Mother of the Church, Mystical Body of Jesus Christ. We ask you for the world destroyed by discord, the gift of union, of peace and of all the graces that can convert the hearts of so many of your children”, (Another Hail Mary is recited).
“Mystic Rose, Mother of the Apostles, make numerous priestly and religious vocations flourish around the Eucharistic altars, that with the sanctity of their lives and the ardent zeal for souls, they can extend the Kingdom of your Son Jesus throughout the world. . Pour out, O Mother, your heavenly gifts on us. hail oh! Rosa Mystica, Mother of the Church, pray for us. Amen”.
Raphael oil prayer
To finish we want to add a very beautiful prayer that one of the Archangels of God called San Rafael, sent to a chosen soul called Herald on June 24, 1993, the message more than a prayer contains very interesting information.
Herald was given instructions related to the Mystic Rose on how to get this message across, such as looking for rose petals and putting them in front of the image of the virgin in oil, which the archangel himself tells him how to obtain, let’s see:
“Herald, San Rafael Arcángel speaks to you. Take olive oil as a substitute for my previous indication. Always carry this oil with you (approximately ¼ liter to boil together with 30 rose petals plus a whole rose). This gives you a balm that will alleviate any illness or suffering. If you apply this balm to any part of the body it will bring you important benefits, accompany it with the following prayers:
“I believe in Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit. He was born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified dead and buried, descended into hell, and on the third day rose from the dead.”
“He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. From there he will come to judge the living and the dead and his Kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal life. Amen”.
Repeat the following sentence three times:
“Oh Mother of God, María Rosa Mystica, grant me, together with the Archangel Saint Raphael, the Angel of God’s healing, the grace to feel deep pain for my sins and implore before God three times your Holy Name, so that He may heal me. Grant, divine help in my current illness. Amen”.
Repeat the glory three times
“Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son and Glory to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now and always will be, Amen. Blessed and Praised be the name of the Lord now and for all eternity. Amen.
The spiritual content of the message was as follows:
“Herald, Archangel Raphael speaks to you, Heaven poured a vigorous blessing on my healing oil. Multiply my oil! The men who are going to use it must apply it in any illness, but first they must pray the prayer that I have dictated to you. Those people who are going to use this should not market it. This oil has the blessing of heaven. Highly appreciate this oil and honor it always.”