Prayer to Our Lady Untie Knots for Complex Cases
Do you know who the Virgin Knot Undoer is? What is her story? The reason for her name? How is the novena organized and prayed? The content of this article will allow you to answer these questions, we will also share with you the prayer to the Virgin Undo Knots that, according to Catholic ideology, if you repeat it with devotion, it helps you solve problems even if they are very difficult.
Prayer to the Virgin Undoing Knots
The Virgin Undone Knots belongs to the Marian invocation, this means that it is one of the names given to the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
She is prayed to intercede before God and thus be able to solve a very complex problem that is affecting us, whether it be in terms of health, love, family, work, friendships or economically.
In accordance with this, the prayer to the Virgin Untied Knots, contributes to the resolution of problems that as a human being you cannot solve no matter how hard you try.
Therefore, in this post, we will teach you numerous prayers that are intended to find a job, heal from an illness, find true love, achieve happiness, avoid conflicts in marriage, among others.
Know the story of the Virgin Undoing Knots
This virgin is also called Mary who unties the knots, a name that is a bit strange for those who do not know her history. That is why here we want to tell you part of it so that you can learn a little more about it.
First of all, we want to tell you that this invocation of the Blessed Immaculate had its origin in Germany. Place where a man lived who had serious conflicts with his wife, which tormented him since he couldn’t figure out how to resolve them.
One day, the man kneels before an image of the Virgin Mary, earnestly asking her to hear his pleas and solve his problems. Overnight, everything improved at home, there were no more arguments or fights and the couple returned to live in full happiness.
Immediately, the man, as a token of gratitude, hired the services of the painter Juhann Georg Melchor Schmidtner, to draw a portrait of the Virgin. This artist, in addition to being a draftsman, was a regular attendee of the German Catholic Church.
That is why, to carry out the work, he was inspired by the figure of the Most Holy Immaculate Conception of Mary, but he also included the following elements in his artistic work:
- He painted the image protected by the Holy Spirit.
- Around him you can see various angels.
- Under his feet you can see the figure of the head of a snake.
- A knotted ribbon is in his hands, it has an unknotted part, which represents that it is being untied progressively.
Experts in the matter assure that this image symbolizes the triumph of good over evil, as well as the belief that the Virgin unleashes with equal ease all the conflicts that we put in her hands.
continuing the story
At first this image was not venerated, but since 1700, its veneration began at the time it began to be called ” Maria, the one who unties knots “. This event occurred in Augsburg. After that, the iconography was preserved in the temple of San Peter am Perlach.
With the passage of time, the devotion expanded to other countries of the world, specifically in America it can be said that the person in charge of making it known was the priest Jorge Bergoglio, who during his youth studied in the German nation.
Upon returning to the American continent, he brought with him a replica of the Virgin Knot Undoer. Currently this young priest serves as the Pope of the Catholic Church, his actions in favor of the different invocations of the Blessed Virgin Mary being well known.
To conclude with this part of the article on the prayer to Our Lady Untie Knots , we invite you to watch the following video which shows a little more about the history of Mary, the one who unties the knots.
Commemoration to the virgin untied
The festivities in honor of this virgin vary since, although they are commonly celebrated on September 8, in some countries they celebrate it either on August 15 or September 28.
The truth is that on any of the dates mentioned above, believers proceed to take out the image of the Virgin in procession, in addition to making the novena and praying the prayer to the Virgin Undoing Knots.
Those days are propitious to request the Blessed Mother to intercede before God and her beloved son Jesus Christ, so that she grants us what we yearn for and what we ask for through prayers.
These requests may refer to:
- Beg to solve marital disagreements.
- Achieve effective communication between boyfriends, lovers or spouses.
- Quickly solve any problem that arises with the children.
- Ask to achieve affective independence.
- Goals and dreams postponed for not having money.
- Lack of compatibility due to different ways of acting and thinking.
- Excessive jealousy or mistrust.
- Refusal to attend church and lead the life that Christ teaches us.
- Dishonesty and disloyalty.
- Other marital problems.
- Difficulties in studies.
- Inability to get a good job.
- Depressive feelings, sadness, lack of self-esteem, among others.
In short, for all these cases, the prayer to the Virgin Untie Knots is very effective, begging her to untie the knots that keep us tied to a relationship or situation that is not to our total liking.
Importance of the novena to Maria untie knots
Worldwide, believers of this virgin claim to have benefited from some miracle or benefit as a result of having believed and prayed fervently.
Specifically, they express that after much trying to solve a problem by themselves, they had lost hope of achieving it, but that when they prayed the prayer to the Virgin Undoing Knots, they were heard and everything was transformed in their favor.
Similar to a mother who tries to protect her children from all evil, the Virgin Mary covers us with her mantle, keeping away from us the dangers and negative people who intend to harm us.
Let us remember that Pope Francis, since his election to this position (on March 13, 2013) has stood out for being a faithful believer, follower and devotee of this Marian invocation.
In the same way, it is appropriate to mention what was expressed by Pope John XXIII, on October 11, 1962, in his Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium) about Mary Undoer of Knots, when he stated that:
“ The Father of Mercy wanted the predestined Mother to say her welcoming Yes, before the Incarnation of her Son, so that, just as a woman contributed to death, so too would a woman contribute to life (…) The knot of Eve’s disobedience was unleashed through Mary’s trusting surrender; what was bound by the virgin Eve through her unbelief was loosed by the Virgin Mary through her faith ” (Lumen Gentium 56)
Both events influenced so that, at later dates, it became customary to carry out the novena and repeat the prayer to the Virgin Knot Undoer frequently. All this with the due approval of the Catholic Church.
Before explaining how the rosary is prayed, we want to let you know some aspects of it.
Do you know what a novena is?
As its name indicates, a novena is a series of prayers that believers direct to God for nine days in a row. During this period of time, they make special requests, using a saint of their choice, the Virgin Mary or the guardian angels as an intermediary.
At the same time, the novenas are used on dates prior to the great liturgical festivities such as: Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, the Blessed Immaculate or in the preparation of any other important ceremony established by Christian doctrine.
This Christian tradition has its origin in what is referred to by the Gospel, related to the nine days that occurred between the Ascension and Pentecost, while the disciples, fulfilling the will of Jesus Christ, were in permanent prayer while waiting for the Holy Spirit. (Cf. Luke 24,49; Acts 1,4).
Hence, the faithful who start a novena do so of their own free will, convinced that, just as the apostles had faith and hope, they will also be granted the grace of God and granted the particular request they request.
Why a novena to Maria untied knots?
Contrary to what one might think, obtaining the approval of a novena by the ecclesiastical authorities of the Catholic religion is not such an easy task, that of the Virgin Undoing Knots is no exception.
Since 1998 when the Argentine priest Juan Ramón Celeiro wrote the novena, they have been fighting to achieve the Catholic blessing, however it was after a decade, in 2008, that its first printing was allowed in a workshop located in Paris.
After this, the rosary to the untied virgin was finding numerous followers to the point that at the present time it has been translated and printed in numerous languages
As we said before with this rosary, we seek to untie a bond that causes great suffering. In the religious context, these knots make mention of the crosses that the human being carries throughout his existence, among which we can mention: sin, suffering, physical illnesses, spiritual problems, situations of rupture and impediment. to accept God’s plans.
These small or large crosses are also the inconveniences that are had in daily life, whether in the family or social nucleus. In other words, they are personal problems related to family, work, the economy, the community where we live, school and friends, among others.
That is why, with this novena, the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary is requested to untie a specific knot that affects us at that moment.
Next, we explain what it means to pray the novena from the biblical point of view, after which we indicate the steps to follow, as well as the prayer to the Virgin Undoing Knots and other devotional prayers.
Meaning of performing a novena
The books that make up Sacred Scripture show us the importance of prayer as an instrument to communicate with God, whether it is to praise him, thank him or request his help. Similarly, the following biblical quotes denote the importance of praying a novena:
- Through it we follow the suggestion of Jesus Christ, expressed in the following phrase ” pray always without getting tired” (Luke 18,1).
- It is essential to do it like the widow mentioned in the Gospel who, ” with great insistence, implored the judge to do justice to her in the face of her adversary” (cf. Luke 18, 1-8).
- Jesus also used parables as a method to teach in a simple way how we should pray. An example of this is the parable of the Pharisee and the publican (Luke 18:9-14), in which Jesus indicates that humility is an essential virtue that is part of Christian prayer.
In this way, praying the prayer to the Virgin Undoing Knots implies that one must have constancy and perseverance, as well as having the complete conviction that Our Father hears our prayers.
How to pray the novena
First of all, you must consider that the novena is prayed for nine consecutive days. This activity is associated with the recitation of the Rosary, which is a “summary of the entire Gospel” (Paul VI, Marialis Cultus, 42).
Consequently, in the novena to which we refer in this text, the mysteries, the devotional prayers, the prayer to the Virgin Undoing Knots and the litanies are harmoniously combined.
For now, we will make a summary of the procedure that is followed to pray this novena, after which you will have all the prayers that make it up.
- Initially, we make the sign of the cross and recite the Act of Contrition, this allows us, on the one hand, to ask God to forgive us for the offenses we have committed and, on the other, to prepare the soul for prayer.
- Next, a small prayer is offered to the Virgin Untie Knots, here the reason for the novena is named, that is, the special requests that we will make or the knots that we want her to help us untie.
- Then the mysteries that correspond to the day we are praying are recited, accompanied by a reflection. Remember that these are divided into four groups:
- Joyous (Mondays and Saturdays)
- Shining (Thursday)
- Painful (Tuesday and Friday)
- Gloriosos (Wednesdays and Sundays)
- Later, the Our Father prayer, ten Hail Marys and a Glory be prayed.
- Nearing the end, we recited the prayer to the Virgin Undoing Knots and a prayer of consecration to the Virgin Mary.
- Some customarily recite the litanies at this point.
- We end each day by making the sign of the cross in the usual way: “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit”
Suggested outline for the novena
For a better understanding, we present in the form of a diagram what was written in the previous section.
- sign of the cross
- act of contrition
- Opening prayer of Supplication to Mary who unties knots
- rosary beads
- Meditation of the corresponding day
- Our father
- Ten Hail Mary
- A Gloria after each Hail Mary
- Prayer to the Virgin Undoing Knots.
- Prayer of consecration of the Virgin Mary.
- Litanies (optional)
- Cross yourself to close the novena.
Do not forget that this scheme that we present to you has been created with the purpose of guiding you in the prayer procedure, but the most important thing is the attitude and spiritual recollection that you demonstrate during the novena. Therefore, more than an imposition to follow, it is a guide that can be modified, as long as the meaning of the Rosary is not lost.
Complete novena and prayer to the Virgin untied knots
The information that we offer you in this section of the article is linked to the video that we present to you, we invite you to watch it carefully because it gives a simple explanation of how to pray the rosary to the Virgin Undoing Knots to achieve impossible, desperate or urgent cases.
Day One of the Ninth Virgin Undoing Knots
-We begin with the sign of the cross, just as it is transcribed:
By the sign of the holy cross, from our enemies, deliver us, Lord, our God. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Act of contrition to be repeated each day of the novena:
Condolences my God and I repent with all my heart for having offended you. My condolences for the hell I deserved and for the heaven I lost; but it weighs me much more because by sinning I offended a God as good and as great as you; I would rather have died than have offended him, and I firmly propose, helped by your divine grace, to sin no more and avoid future occasions of sin. Amen
Opening prayer of the first day:
Venerable Virgin Mary, I offer you this novena, requesting your intercession before God, Our Lord, so that you untie the knots that torment us this day. I am addressing you begging for the following intentions (the reason for the novena is mentioned and what is to be achieved with it)
First day:
“She will give birth to a son, whom you will name Jesus, because he will save his people from all their sins.” (Matthew 1, 21)
Brief reflection:
We well know that Jesus is in charge of freeing us from our sins, untying the knots that keep us tied to them. However, the Virgin Mary was chosen by God to carry him in her womb and accompany him until she died on the cross to save us and lead us to eternal life. With her crucifixion, she redeemed humanity from her faults and, even today, she continues to do so. Thus, the Virgin Mary becomes the mother of all of us and, in turn, she is co-redeemer helping her son in this noble task.
To do the meditation we can read one that is already written, you can research on the internet on this topic, or read the mystery of the day and make your own reflection on it.
Our Father Prayer
We recite the prayer that Jesus taught us:
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your Name; let your kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread; forgive our offenses, as we also forgive those who offend us; lead us not into temptation, and deliver us from evil. Amen
Ave Maria
Remember that there are ten Hail Marys, followed by a reminder of the lyrics of this prayer:
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among all women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
We pray the Gloria in honor of the Three Divine Persons:
Glory to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, now and forever, forever and ever. Amen.
Prayer to the Virgin Undoing Knots:
Holy Mary, full of the presence of God, during the days of your life you accepted with all humility the will of the Father, and the evil one was never able to entangle you with his confusions.
Together with your son, you interceded for our difficulties, and with all simplicity and patience, you gave us an example of how to unravel the skein of our lives. And by staying forever as Our Mother, you put in order and make clearer the ties that unite us to the Lord.
Holy Mary, Mother of God and Our Mother, you who with a maternal heart untie the knots that hinder our lives, we ask you to free us from the ties and confusion with which he who is our enemy harasses us.
By your grace, by your intercession, with your example, free us from all evil, Our Lady, and untie the knots that prevent us from uniting with God, so that, free from all confusion and error, we find him in all things, have Our hearts are set on Him and we can serve Him in our brothers. Amen.
Consecration Prayer to Mary
My Lady and Mother, Holy Virgin Mary, the one who unties the knots; I find myself at your feet to consecrate myself to you. With filial affection I offer you on this day how much I am and how much I have: my eyes, to look at you; my ears, to listen to you; my voice, to sing your praises; my life, to serve you; my heart, to love you.
Accept, my Mother, the offer I make to you and place me next to your immaculate heart. Since I am all yours, Mother of mercy, the one who unties the knots that imprison our poor heart, keep me and protect me as your possession.
Do not allow me to be seduced by the evil one, nor let my heart be entangled in his tricks. Teach me to accept the limits of my human condition, without forgetting that I can overcome myself with the help of grace and that I always thank God for my existence. Enlighten me so that I do not reject the Creator for the creatures, nor deviate from the path that he thought for me.
Litanies of the novena dedicated to the Virgin Undoing Knots
The litanies are prayers discussed between the priests and the faithful, and they were prayed above all in processions. Currently, they can be repeated in rosaries, either in the Church or in the family.
At first they were addressed only to God, but today the saints and the Virgin Mary are invoked. In the case that concerns us today, the prayer is made to the Virgin Desatanudos, as well as the petitions.
To each of these petitions or strings, one responds by saying: Pray for us. The litanies are:
- Because your soul sang the greatness of the Lord in you (Luke 1,47).
- Mary who helps to untie the Knots of the proud because you were always among the humble (Luke 1.51)
- You who help untie the Knots that divide families, because you were the wife and mother in your house in Nazareth (Luke 2:51)
- Holy Virgin Mary who helps to untie the Knots of despair and sadness, because you interceded for your son to fill the feast of Cana with joy (John 2.3)
- Blessed Virgin Mary who helps to untie the Knots of all slavery because you declared yourself only “servant” of the Lord, and of no earthly idol (Luke 1.38)
- Venerable Mary who helps to untie the Knots of ambition for material goods because you gave glory to God who always fills the hungry with good things and sends the rich away empty (Luke 1:53)
Continuation of the litanies
- Beloved Lady who helps to untie the knots of cowardice and infidelity, because you knew how to stand by your Son’s side when everyone denigrated and despised him (Luke 1:55).
- Immaculate Virgin Mary who helps untie the Knots of distance from loved ones, suffering and exile, because you knew what it was like to flee to Egypt with your husband and child.
- Adored Our Mother, you who help untie the Knots of individualism and pessimism, because you knew how to be with the twelve apostles waiting to be filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
- The first day of the novena ends with the sign of the cross:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Day two of the Ninth Virgin Knot Undoer
- The same procedure indicated in the previous section is repeated, first, we make the sign of the cross, then the act of contrition is prayed.
- The opening prayer is then recited:
Venerable Virgin Mary, I offer you this novena, requesting your intercession before God, Our Lord, so that you untie the knots that torment us this day. I am writing to you begging for the following intentions (the reason for the novena is mentioned and what is to be achieved with it)
- We say the mystery of the second Day:
“The angel answered him; The Holy Spirit will descend upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. That is why the child will be Holy and he will be called Son of God. » (Luke 1, 21)
- We briefly reflect on the meaning of the biblical quote, by way of example:
After Mary gave her consent for the will of God to be fulfilled in her, she obtained this response from the angel, in which she clearly mentions what would happen in the sacrament of baptism.
Indeed, when John the Baptist was at the riverbank baptizing Jesus, the Holy Spirit descended on Him in the form of a dove. It was an encounter between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In the same way, when we receive the sacrament of baptism we are called to begin the Christian life that is reaffirmed with the Eucharist.
- The Our Father, Ten Hail Mary and the Glory be prayed.
- We repeat the prayer to the Virgin Undoing Knots.
- We recite the prayer of consecration to the Virgin Mary
- We name the litanies, to which we respond by saying pray for us.
- Finally, we cross ourselves in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Day Three of the Ninth Virgin Undoing Knots
- The same procedure indicated above is repeated, initially, we make the sign of the cross, then the act of contrition is prayed.
- Then the opening prayer is recited:
Venerable Virgin Mary, I offer you this novena, requesting your intercession before God, Our Lord, so that you untie the knots that torment us this day. I am writing to you begging for the following intentions (the reason for the novena is mentioned and what is to be achieved with it)
- Third day:
“Mary then said: I am the servant of the Lord, may what you have said be fulfilled in me. And the angel went away. (Luke 1, 38)
Brief reflection:
This reading takes us back to the Fiat of Mary, reminding us of her willingness to fulfill the mission that God had entrusted to her. Likewise, we Christians must have in our hearts the desire to serve Our Lord.
It is important to know that we can do it by taking words to those who need it, we can also act in a good way so that actions correspond to what we think and say.
- We pray the prayer that Jesus Christ taught us to honor God (the Our Father), Ten Hail Marys, and the prayer of Glory.
- We repeat the prayer to the Virgin Undoing Knots.
- We recite the prayer of consecration to the Virgin Mary
- We indicate the litanies, with their respective response
We end this third day by making the sign of the cross in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Day Four of the Novena to the Virgin Undoing Knots
- We begin by making the sign of the cross: By the sign of the holy cross, from our enemies, deliver us, Lord, our God. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Later, we ask forgiveness for our sins by praying the act of contrition.
- Immediately the opening prayer is recited:
Venerable Virgin Mary, I offer you this novena, requesting your intercession before God, Our Lord, so that you untie the knots that torment us this day. I am writing to you begging for the following intentions (the reason for the novena is mentioned and what is to be achieved with it)
Fourth day:
“ Let us go to Bethlehem and see what has happened… They went quickly and found Mary and the newborn lying in the manger. Seeing him, they told what she had heard about this child… meanwhile, Mary kept these things and pondered them in her heart . (Luke 2, 15-19)
- This story from the evangelist Luke invites us to rejoice at the birth of Jesus Christ, Our Savior and to spread this news throughout the world. All Christian believers have already heard or read about the Nativity of the Lord, so we must take his word to those who do not know it.
We can also feed our spirit by attending mass to listen to God’s teachings, this will help us reflect.
- As a fifth step we pray the Our Father prayer, preparing ourselves to fulfill the other stages of the novena, we repeat ten Hail Marys and a Glory Be.
- We pray the prayer to the Virgin Undoing Knots.
- We pronounce the prayer of consecration to the Virgin Mary
- We number all the litanies.
- We end this part of the novena with the traditional: In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Day five of the Novena to the Virgin Undoing Knots
- This day we begin like the others, making the sign of the cross and then saying the Act of Contrition.
- The opening prayer is then recited:
Venerable Virgin Mary, I offer you this novena, requesting your intercession before God, Our Lord, so that you untie the knots that torment us this day. I am writing to you begging for the following intentions (the reason for the novena is mentioned and what is to be achieved with it)
Fifth Day Reading:
“His father and mother were amazed at what they heard about Jesus. The aged Simeon, after blessing them, said to Mary, the mother: “This child will cause many in Israel to fall and rise; it will be a sign of contradiction, and a sword will pierce your heart yourself.”
reflection of the day
From childhood the behavior of Jesus was exemplary and from a very young age he dedicated his life to preaching the word of God. Many people did not understand him and consequently he was hated and crucified for his beliefs.
Let us beg Christ to untie every knot of rancor, hatred and resentment that exists in our lives. Likewise, we ask Our Lady for serenity to bear the things that we cannot change.
- Once the reflection is done, we proceed to pray the Our Father, we repeat ten Hail Marys and a Glory.
- We invoke the prayer to the Virgin Desatanudos.
- We offer the prayer of consecration to the Virgin Mary
- We manifest the litanies.
- We cross ourselves.
Day six of the Novena to the Virgin Undoing Knots
- The whole process that has been manifested in the previous days is repeated, we only change the reading and the reflection. On this occasion we quote a story from the evangelist John:
“Jesus answered her: Woman, what have we to do with it? It is not my time yet. But his mother said to the servants: Do whatever He tells you.” (John 2, 4-5)
Meditation on the biblical quote:
The Virgin Mary always fulfilled the requests of God and her Son, in the same way she invites all humanity to abide by her mandates. At this point it is convenient to remember that one of the knots that we must untie in our lives is to break with everything that distances us from God.
For this reason, let us make our requests with faith and pray the prayer to Our Lady Undoing Knots that we indicate to you on the other days of the novena. Rest assured that your prayers will be heard.
Day Seven of the Novena to the Virgin Undoing Knots
- As in the preliminary days of the novena, we begin by making the sign of the cross and then the act of contrition. Then we make our first prayer to the Virgin Undoing Knots.
- When the time comes, we carefully read this excerpt from the Book of Matthew which says:
“Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. Because whoever asks receives, whoever seeks finds; and to him who knocks it will be opened.” ( Matthew 7, 7-8)
- Afterwards, meditate on the reading, as follows:
As we said in previous sections, the Bible tells us about the importance of prayer. The Evangelist Mateo reminds us of this fact, he tells us about the power that prayer has.
Let us put our hearts in praying the prayer to Our Lady Undone Knots, because if we do it with love and faith, God, through the intercession of Mary, will be willing to please us.
Day eight of the Novena to the Virgin Undoing Knots
- In addition to the usual process, on the eighth day it is appropriate to read the following quote:
Seeing the mother and the disciple whom he loved near her, Jesus said to her: Woman, here is your son. Then he said to her disciple: Here is your mother, and from that moment the disciple received her in her house. » (John 19, 26-27
These words were spoken by Jesus when he was on the cross, while his mother lay at the foot of the tree. It is a reminder of the immense love that He felt towards humanity, so much so that he entrusted us to Mary to take care of us from all evil.
For this reason, she is called the mother of humanity, she with her infinite mercy intercedes for us before her Son to save us from sin and be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Consequently, the prayer to the Virgin Knot Undoer is an important instrument to communicate with the Blessed Mother, ask for forgiveness for the faults committed and beg for relief from the sorrows and sufferings we suffer.
Last day of the Novena to the Virgin Undoing Knots
Surely, you have already learned all the steps of the novena, we reiterate that only the mystery of the day, the reading and the reflection that takes place vary.
The following account corresponds to this: “The apostles, intimately united, dedicated themselves to prayer in the company of some women; of Mary, the mother of Jesus….” and “when the day of Pentecost arrived, all were filled with the Holy Spirit”. (Acts 1, 14 and 2, 1.4)
Brief reflection:
After Christmas and Easter, Pentecost is the most important holiday in the Catholic Church. It is celebrated to commemorate the coming of the Holy Spirit that, according to the Bible, occurred fifty days after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In the story cited, God invites us to this party with the purpose of regaining strength to continue spreading His Word. He tells us that they were all united in praying. Metaphorically, with the prayer to the Virgin Undoing Knots we can ask that the bonds of laziness and laziness be broken and that we live dedicated to a life where the teachings of Jesus Christ prevail.
In this way we end the novena to this Marian invocation that originated in Germany and was popularized in America by Pope Francis.
Prayers to the Virgin Undoing Knots for each case
In addition to the Prayer to Our Lady Undoing Knots that we repeatedly mention during the explanation of the steps to pray the novena, there is another that can be used to pray daily and wish for happiness.
They are also used to ask for protection against enemies, attract love, get a job, heal an illness, get a solution to an impossible case, achieve self-improvement and recover the marriage.
You should know that there are prayers already established by the Catholic Church, so they cannot be modified. However, the ones we present below can be transformed according to your taste or with words that come from your heart.
In other words, we show them to you as a guide that you can adapt according to your own requirements.
In the next section of the article you will be able to read several prayers for specific cases, but first we invite you to watch the following video with a prayer for help when you feel that your existence is surrounded by negative energies and you want to transform them into positive ones.
Prayer for Impossible Matters
Virgin Knot Undoer, help me in this difficult case, break all ties that prevent me from moving forward and achieving my goals. Guide my path so that I can be happy, that there is no obstacle in my way. Give me the gift of patience and strength, to hope with faith that what I believe impossible today, through you becomes possible. I beg you, dearest Mother. Amen.
Prayer to overcome each day
Mary, Mother of all humanity, untied every knot that causes ignoble feelings to exist in my heart. Cleanse him of them, intercede before your Son to forgive my sins. Allow me to recognize my mistakes and give me strength not to make them again. I ask you to listen to my call and allow me to have an existence full of peace and harmony. Amen.
Prayer to the Virgin untied knots to recover the marriage
Dear Virgin Mary, kneeling before you today, I ask you to intercede for my marriage. Untie the knots of intrigue, envy, infidelity and deception that spread to my home.
Do not allow unhealthy people to destroy what we have worked so hard to achieve, protect us, oh my! Just as you protected your Holy Family, guide us along the path of good so that we can achieve eternal glory.
I implore you to untie the bonds of misunderstanding, anguish and uneasiness. Free us from the pride that prevents us from talking and seeking solutions to our problems.
You as a mother, fought to keep your family together, today I ask you to do the same with mine. Give us wisdom to find the solution to the problems that surround us today.
Faithful to the teachings of God we have remained united, but today other evil forces stand between us, untie these knots so that peace and tranquility return to our home.
In you I place my faith and my hope because I know you will hear the desires of my heart. Finally, I ask you for help to forgive the offenses, as well as humility to ask for forgiveness for the offenses committed, I beg you. Amen.
Prayer for every day of the year
As its name indicates, this prayer to the Virgin Knot Undoer does not have a specific request, so it can be repeated as part of a daily ritual:
Glorious Virgin Mary, to you who can do everything and have managed to untie the seven knots of the ribbon, to you who are always accompanied by God and yet are characterized by your humility.
To you, we beseech you, Holy Mother, to intercede before Our Lord, protecting us from all evil and keeping us away from all temptation. Amen.
prayer for happiness
Dearest Virgin Mary, today I am writing to you to beg you to undo the knot that has me tied to unhappiness. I beg you to draw a sincere smile in my heart and on my face, in the same way I ask you Virgin Mary that peace and harmony enter my life, removing all turbulence that threatens my tranquility.
prayer against enemies
Respected Virgin of Peace, you who managed to maintain harmony in the face of so much suffering, you who look with love at the world, set your eyes on my enemies, untie the knots that make you wish me ill. Transform his evil heart by filling it with kindness so that we can share the teachings of our Lord.
Prayer to the Virgin Undoing knots to attract love
Venerable Virgin Mary, on my knees before you I implore you to give me the opportunity to have a sincere love in my life, send your angels to bring me an attentive and affectionate person who loves me and to whom I correspond in the right measure. May that love that begins be lasting. Beloved Mother asks you.
Prayer to get a job
Today I beg you, Beloved Virgin, to listen to my requests, I earnestly beg you to grant me the happiness of having a good job, in which I can obtain the profits I need and, at the same time, I can help others. Untie the knots of envy and greed, bless my finances every day. Amen.
For the health of loved ones
On this occasion we pray the prayer to the Virgin Undoing Knots so that she breaks all bonds of suffering due to some illness that afflicts us:
Blessed Virgin Mary, heal the physical and spiritual wounds that take their toll on me and my family, free us from pain and suffering. I implore your protection and I ask for health for my family and friends. I promise to praise your name daily with great joy and joy. Amen.
Worldwide, the population is fearful of the spread of COVID-19, so we take advantage of this space to include a prayer to the Virgin Mary to protect our health and protect us from this terrible virus, as well as from any other disease.
What attitude should we have when praying the prayer to the Virgin Undoing Knots?
Without a doubt, the most advisable attitude is meditation and spiritual recollection. Remember that, in this case, the interior is more important than the exterior aspect.
By this we mean that instead of paying too much attention to where you are going to pray, you should examine what is in your heart and if the requests you are making are for the benefit of all.
On the other hand, believers of the Christian religion must avoid falling into fanaticism and superstition at all times, since prayer is not a magical rite to gain divinity and submit it to one’s own will.
The book of the evangelist John tells us that Jesus invited the Samaritan woman (John 4, 1-42) to a prayer “in spirit and in truth” beyond the geographical location chosen for external worship (cf. John 4, 23).
Another important aspect to consider is faith, understanding as such “the belief, trust or assent of a person in relation to something or someone and, as such, it manifests itself above the need to have evidence that demonstrates the truth of what in what is believed”.
In this regard, the Bible refers in the Gospels that Jesus does not perform miracles where faith is lacking (Matthew 13, 58), but rather revolutionizes life for those who believe, transforming situations of suffering and death into new realities, radically renewed, as he said to the sister of Lazarus: “Have I not told you that if you believe you will see the glory of God?” (John 11, 40).
So, pray with faith and what you ask for will be granted.
The intercession of the Virgin Mary
As you well know, the subject of this article is the prayer to the Virgin Undo Knots, previously you have read that the prayers were created to praise God, in this specific case the intervention of the Virgin Mary is requested so that all the knots that bind us are undone. They prevent us from being happy and getting closer to the Lord.
In this same order of ideas, Saint Bernard referred to the Blessed Virgin “Star of the Sea” who guides and lights the path of everyone who is in danger and in the dark.
The words of this saint remind us that it is necessary to go to Mary in moments of tribulation, in which we feel that we are lost and we can no longer.
Words of Saint Bernard to the Virgin Undoing Knots
Oh you, whoever you are, who feel far from the mainland, dragged by the waves of this world, in the midst of storms and storms, if you do not want to capsize, do not take your eyes off the light of this star! If the wind of temptations rises, if the stumbling block of tribulations gets in your way, look at the star, invoke Mary.
If you are rocked by the waves of pride, ambition, slander, envy, look at the star, invoke Mary. If anger, greed, impure desires shake the fragile boat of your soul, raise the eyes to Maria. If disturbed by the recollection of the enormity of your crimes, confused by the blunders of your conscience, terrified by the fear of judgment, you begin to let yourself be carried away by the whirlwind of sadness, to plunge into the abyss of despair, think in Maria.
May his name never leave your lips, never leave your heart; and to reach the help of her intercession, do not take carelessly the examples of her life. By following her, you will not go astray; praying to him you will not despair; thinking of Her you will avoid all error».
devotion to the image
At present, the faith and devotion to the Virgin Unbound has increased considerably, to the point that thousands of people gather daily to pray their prayer and novena. In Latin America, two countries stand out that pay tribute to the Virgin, these are Argentina and Mexico.
In Buenos Aires, the San José de Talra Church is located, where the image of the Virgin Desatanudos is venerated. Parishioners come to her to demonstrate her devotion, usually on weekends.
Numerous miracles are attributed to this virgin, among which we can highlight:
- miraculous cures
- new job opportunities
- Reunite with the couple to save the marriage.
- Transformation of people for the better.
- Peace in homes.
The presence of the faithful in the aforementioned temple has led to the planning of a new sanctuary where tribute can be paid to Our Lady who Unties the Knots.
While this project is expected to become a reality, the poor and afflicted continue to attend 2460 Navarro Street in the Villa Devoto neighborhood, the geographical place where the image of the Virgin Desatanudos is located.
As in Argentina, in Mexico the veneration of the Virgin Mary has been growing under the title of Virgen Desatanudos. That is why a sanctuary has been built in Cancun to pay tribute to him.
This construction is made of wood, nestled in a jungle and close to the beach, which is why many locals describe it as a haven of peace. This site has become a place of devotion and pilgrimage, as well as a must-see for people who do tourism in Mexico.
We invite you to get to know this beautiful temple through the following video, in which you will also find the Mexican history of devotion to the untied virgin.
Remember that when praying the prayer to the Virgin Undoing Knots, the faith we put into this action is more important than the landscape where we are doing it.
In this way, we conclude this interesting article, we invite you to share it with other people. In addition, we put at your disposal the following links so that you can read other information of great interest to you.
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