Prayer to Saint Francis of Assisi for World Peace
The Prayer to Saint Francis of Assisi is a Catholic prayer which is used to obtain graces and blessings, it is also used to ask him to intercede before God the Father for us, if you want to know more I invite you to continue reading this article.
Prayer for Peace of Saint Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. That there where are offense, I put forgiveness. That where there is discord, I put the union. That where there is error, I put the truth. That where there is doubt, I put Faith. That where there is despair, I put hope. Where darkness is, may I bring the light. That where there is sadness, I put joy.
Oh Lord, may I not seek so much to be consoled, as to console, to be understood, as to understand, to be loved, as to love. Because it is by giving that one receives, it is by forgetting oneself that one finds oneself, it is by forgiving that one is forgiven, it is by dying that one is resurrected to eternal life. Amen.
History of this Prayer
This prayer became a traditional prayer for peace, it is usually related to Saint Francis of Assisi thanks to the fact that the late Pope John Paul II prayed it in 1986, this prayer was carried out in front of millions of representatives of different religions from all over the world, in said conference to pray for Peace, he associated him with this saint.
Sentence Analysis
This prayer has the particularity that it is a prayer to ask for peace, you can see how God the father is asked to turn us into a means to achieve peace, transform really negative emotions and feelings such as hatred into a positive feeling such as love, basically this is a prayer in which it is asked to leave behind all the negative emotions that we may have inside and change them for positive emotions.
It can also be seen that this prayer seeks to leave selfishness behind, this is motivated by the fact that in the same prayer it is asked to stop seeking attention and favors for oneself, instead, it is narrated that the best way to receive is to give, and everything we give to the universe is what we will receive. In a few words, this is a prayer that invites action, not only asking for and expecting something from others, but also from what we can share.
About Saint Francis of Assisi
Saint Francis of Assisi was a saint who owes his fame to a very interesting fact, he was one of the few who managed to have a lifestyle similar to that of Jesus Christ, many of those who knew him in life nicknamed him “The poor man from Assisi” .
This saint was a great admirer of Jesus Christ, in addition, he preached by his example, he also shared in his life all those characteristics that made Jesus Christ the man of peace that is known today, Saint Francis of Assisi never, not even in the most difficult moments. Desperate, they stopped praising the Lord Jesus in any of their prayers.
Thanks to this saint, many of the Catholic faithful currently have access to many prayers, this is motivated by the fact that in his writings he recorded many of these prayers. In the year 1206 Saint Francis of Assisi recited many of these prayers in the well-known Church of San Damián, one of the best known prayers is “Let us come to you” a prayer extracted from the letter to the faithful.
Prayers rescued thanks to Saint Francis of Assisi
Prayer before the crucifix of San Damiano
O high and glorious God! illuminate the darkness of my heart. and give me straight faith, certain hope and perfect charity, sense and knowledge, Lord, so that I may fulfill your holy and true commandment. Amen.
let us get to you
Almighty, eternal, just and merciful God, give us miserable ones to do for yourself what we know you want, and always want what pleases you, so that interiorly cleansed, interiorly illuminated and burned by the fire of the Holy Spirit we can follow the footsteps of your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and to you, Most High, come by your grace alone, that in perfect Trinity and in simple Unity you live and queen and are glorified, Almighty God, forever and ever. Amen.
two thanks please
My Lord Jesus Christ, I beg you to grant me two graces before I die; the first, that I feel in body and soul, as far as possible, the pain that You, most sweet Jesus; you suffered in your most painful Passion; the second, that I feel in my heart, as far as possible, that love without measure that embraced you and led you, Son of God, to gladly suffer this same painful passion for us sinners. Amen
Praises to the Most High God
You are the holy Lord God only, the one who works wonders. You are the strong, you are the great, you are the highest, you are the omnipotent king; your holy Father, king of heaven and earth. You are the triune and one, Lord God of gods; you are the good, the all good, the supreme good, Lord God, living and true.
You are love, charity; you are wisdom, you are humility, you are patience, you are beauty, you are meekness; you are security, you are rest, you are joy, you are our hope and joy, you are justice, you are temperance, you are all our wealth to satisfaction. You are the beauty, you are the meekness, you are the protector, you are our custodian and defender; you are the strength, you are the refreshment.
You are our hope, you are our faith, you are our charity, you are all our sweetness, you are our eternal life, great and admirable Lord, omnipotent God, merciful Savior. Amen.
My God and my everything
My God and my everything, who are you? my sweet Lord? And who am I, worm your servant? How much I would like to love you, my most holy Lord! How much I would like to love you, my most sweet Lord! My Lord and my God, I gave you my whole heart and my whole body, and I ardently long to give you more, if only I knew what else to give you! Amen.
Final thoughts
After seeing part of the history of Saint Francis of Assisi, we can understand why he achieved such fame among practicing Catholics, thanks to him many prayers that were otherwise lost could be recovered, he was known as one of the saints with a lifestyle as similar to Jesus Christ, perhaps if we applied his teachings a little we would have a more spiritual life before the eyes of the Most High.