Prayer to Santa Marta to Master Thoughts
The Prayer to Santa Marta to Dominate , is a kind of prayer that is performed by all those people who want to dominate a person who has not corresponded as it should be. So if you want to get to know more about it, we invite you to continue viewing this article.
Prayer to Santa Marta to Dominate
This is the prayer to Santa Marta la Dominadora which is very good. The prayer is as follows:
Santa Marta Virgen por caramanchel you are going to consume today because of the flame with which this same candle is lit and also because of the cotton with which the holy oils were cleaned.
On this day this candle is lit for you to please remedy the needs, help in the miseries and overcome all kinds of difficulties as you defeated the wild beast that you have at your feet, for you there is nothing impossible, so I They ask you to give luck and money to be able to cover miseries and needs.
In this way, Santa Marta, you are asked to grant that (at this moment the person you want to dominate is going to be appointed) you cannot be or live in peace until you reach the feet of the one who recites this prayer for what is given to you. ask oh holy martha that you please grant what is begged of you to alleviate the pain for the love of Jesus.
Santa Marta Virgin who entered the mountain, the wild beasts you came to scare away with your ribbons you tied them and with a large hyssop you suckled them. In this holy way, if this is true, please grant that (at this moment the person you want to dominate will be named) return to your humble servant forever.
Santa Marta do not let him sit in a chair or lie down in bed or have a moment of tranquility until at the feet of this person who is performing said prayer comes to stop. Santa Marta please listen to the prayers, protect him for the love of God, Amen.
Prayer to Santa Marta Dominadora to Dominate and Attract the Beloved
Oh! Santa Marta, the Dominating Virgin of the serpent, the Virgin by Caramanchel, the one who is going to consume today because of the flame with which the candle is lit and because of the cotton with which the holy oils were cleaned at this moment is lit. a candle so that you please remedy the needs, help them in their miseries and finally overcome all the difficulties as you managed to defeat the fierce beast that you have at your feet.
Oh Santa Marta, for you there is nothing impossible, please give me luck, and also the money to be able to cover miseries and needs. You who saved a child from certain death wrapped by a snake and to whom God, through the intercession of Santa Marta, granted the child, through the touch of a bugle or a whistle, to approach respecting his innocence. Amen.
Ritual to Santa Marta Dominadora, to Recover the Loved One
This becomes a very powerful type of Ritual to be able to attract, dominate and unite the most loved person. It is propitious to have to do it in those moments in which the loved one is moving away from you or when you want to get her back again.
When a relationship is somewhat stagnant and stopped, you can also use this type of Ritual to be able to move it forward and get it out of that rut. This type of ritual has to be performed on Fridays of the Crescent Moon. Ingredients and Materials needed:
- Love or almond oil
- 1 Image of Santa Marta
- 9 red candles
With the help of a wooden stick (which should be careful not to take anything that is metal) you will write the name of the loved one in full on 1 of the red candles. You must remember that in order to attract you must always write it from the wick to the base. Previously she must have already consecrated all the candles.
Spirit of the Dominion
In the name of God on this day is invoked:
- Spirit of the Dominion
- restless spirit
- Spirit of Despair
- Spirit of Don Juan de la Conquista
- Spirit of Love
- Spirit of Don Juan de los Caminos
- Spirit of San Juan Minero
- Spirit of Saint John of the Street
- Spirit of the 4 winds, paths and places
- spirit of enchantment
- Spirit of Saint Mark of León
- Spirit of Saint Martha and Saint Helena of Jerusalem
- Spirit of San Salvador de Horta
- Spirit of Santa Inés del Monte Perdido
- Spirit of Mary of the Head
To all the beneficial Spirits, the faithful conjure them so that they help to dominate the 5 senses, as well as the thoughts, the judgment, the living spirit and the will of (at this moment he is going to say the name of the person), For this reason, this Conjuration is offered to the Holy Guardian Angel of (at this moment he is going to say the name of the person), for the holy day that he was baptized, for the day he was born (at this moment he is going to say the name of the person). say the person’s name), and by the day he is to die.
Prayer to Santa Marta la Dominadora very Miraculous for Love
Oh Santa Marta la dominadora becomes known under that same name for having the power to dominate people and also to dominate difficult situations. It is for this same reason that she is highly sought after by people who want to win the love of a person by making said love spells.
The energy of Santa Marta the dominatrix becomes very strong and she is capable of controlling any kind of situation or person.
Three Prayers to Santa Marta la Dominadora
The most important thing at the time of performing these kinds of prayers is that the person must have a lot of faith and also do it wholeheartedly. If you decide to commit to making these prayers by means of a prayer to Santa Marta each week, you will have to fulfill it or else you will not simply ignore her request, but it will also stop being to your liking and could end up cause you trouble.
In this way, if you go to her and you are a great devoted and faithful follower, you can be sure that she will listen and also grant your request that you so desire.
First Prayer: The Prayer to Saint Martha to Win Someone’s Love
The first prayer to Santa Marta la Dominadora will be useful if what you want is to win the love of someone who has not reciprocated. This kind of prayer is recommended to start on a Tuesday and has to be repeated for the next 13 days. The prayer is as follows:
“Mighty Santa Marta la Dominadora, this humble offering is given to you to ask you to help repair your difficulties. Please give them the power to put an end to their miseries, please help them to conquer all their worries like you, who with your power managed to defeat the wild beasts that are at your feet. Amen.”
Second Prayer: The Prayer of Martha the Dominator to Reach an Impossible Love
The second prayer to Santa Marta la Dominadora is usually a little simpler, however, very powerful and requires nothing more than faith. This kind of prayer is also intended for people who want to be able to get a love that has not been obtained. The prayer is as follows:
“Santa Marta la Dominadora, the same one that continues in the wind, the same one that charms the devil. The same one that came to flavor the wines of the dead, the same one that removed the fangs of beings. The same one that unearthed the bones from the tomb. The same one that came to create a friendship with Doña María de la padilla. The same one that gave birth about 9 times, and all of their lives were taken from them.
So that you want to be able to please wherever you are, you will not find tranquility or sleep if it is not only by the side of the one who prays this prayer, I beg you, oh dominating holy martha, so be it, Amen.”
Third Prayer: The Powerful Prayer to Santa Marta Dominadora
For the following sentence, the following ingredients will be required:
- An image, print or figure of Santa Marta la Dominadora
- About 9 candles, preferably red, on which the name of the person who wishes to be dominated will be written. These candles will be placed around the image or figure of Santa Marta and will be lit with a lighter that be wooden. This prayer turns out to be very effective if it is performed with the crescent moon and on the other hand, this prayer will have to pray about 9 Our Fathers and also about 9 Hail Marys. The prayer is as follows:
Patron Saint Marta: Your strong power is what will consume this candle that is lit to beg you to solve the problems of your devotees, to free them from ailments and defeat all the impediments that interfere in their path of being with you. who they love.
They believe in your power, the same power that came to defeat the beasts that are under your holy feet. Everything is possible for you, so your power of the domain is invoked in the name of God, all the powers of the domain are invoked to listen to your prayers and your request. Amen”.
Dominate and Away your Enemy with the Powerful Prayer to Santa Marta
The following prayer to Santa Marta la Dominadora is special to be able to distance, dominate and have under control all the enemies you may have and those who wish you some kind of evil in your life. Therefore, it will have to be repeated consecutively for 9 days and always at the same time. 9 green candles will be needed to light one daily and pray the prayer while it is consumed.
For the prayer to have more noticeable results, you can make a kind of offering of tobacco, coffee or sweet bread. The sentence becomes the following:
“Oh Powerful Santa Marta the dominator, the Patron who dominates the beasts, the Patron who rescued an infant from imminent death caused by a kind of snake, God enlightened him and gave him power over that beast in this way they beg him to free from all evil and defeat all your enemies.
May you please drive away all those who wish to harm them, allowing the serpent you defeated to dominate its enemies so that they repent and beg for its forgiveness. In the same way, oh powerful Santa Marta la Dominadora, I beg you that your loved one (at this moment you are going to say the name of the person) have their mind and heart set aside for the person who pleases me in everything they want and that be at my feet, Amen.”
Powerful Prayer of Santa Marta for Difficult Situations
The following prayer is addressed to all those people who are looking for Santa Marta la Dominadora in order to be able to have under control the most difficult situations that are being presented to them, to have dominion over them and also over the people who are complicating said situations. situations.
This kind of prayer will be held every Tuesday for the course of about 9 consecutive weeks and 1 oil lamp will be lit every Tuesday at the time of praying. The prayer is as follows:
“Oh Santa Marta la Dominadora, the Powerful Santa Marta, I have my eyes on you, which is why many fully believe in your power. Many of your devotees have unconditional faith in your strength and goodness. In order to prove their loyalty to you, they promise to light 1 candle each week, 1 candle that will be consumed by your strength, so they ask you with all their hearts to cure their ailments. Amen.
Miraculous Prayer
Oh I trust in you my God, in the son and in the Holy Spirit my Lord Jesus who is my only savior with all the strength of my heart I ask you to grant me the grace that I desire so much (at this moment I am going to ask for the grace that is desired).
Prayer to the Spirit of Domino
You, oh Santa, who dominates all hearts, the one who dominates the heart of (at this moment he is going to say the name of the person who wants Santa Marta to dominate), With the infinite power that Santa Marta came to have to be able to tame the dragon , so that way your devotees want you to tie certain people like you tie to (at this moment you are going to say the name of the person you want Santa Marta to dominate). Oh!
Dominant spirit! With your great divine power that God has come to give you, make on this day that (at this moment you will say the name of the person you want Santa Marta to dominate) be completely dominated in body and also in soul by me:
And that he cannot look at anyone but only me, that his love and affection will only be for me, that my presence will be needed wherever he is, that he can never be calm again without me.
Oh dominant Spirit, please dominate the energies with your divine power that God has come to give you, Amen.
Once the prayer to Santa Marta to dominate is finished, you have to pray about 9 Ave Maria and 1 glory to the Father for the course of about 9 days. Each day, 1 candle is going to be lit following the same procedure as with the 1st, that is, you are going to write the name of the person completely on it and have it previously consecrated.
In order for this type of Ritual to become totally effective, you must remember that you have to prepare yourself to be able to perform it, you have to truly know how to perform this type of ritual and what its basic rules are.
And finally you are going to take into consideration the main element of all kinds of ritual, which is faith. If you do everything as it is, you are assured that your ritual will bear fruit very soon and will be surely effective.