Prayer to the Breastplate of Saint Patrick for Protection
The Breastplate of Saint Patrick, is a prayer made to this saint in order to be able to obtain through the same protection, help and peace in all the things that need me in the lives of the people who believe in this Saint of the church. Catholic. In the following article we will know everything about this prayer.
Saint Patrick’s Breastplate
The Prayer to the Breastplate of Saint Patrick is one of the prayers that is used in order to obtain the protection of the Lord Jesus from all evils. The Prayer to the Breastplate of Saint Patrick goes like this:
I wrap myself on this day and tie myself to a very powerful force which is the same invocation of the Most Holy Trinity and also of the 3 Divine Persons. I wrap myself on this day and bind myself to the strength of Jesus Christ, the great son of Mary ever virgin, with his baptism, the great strength of his crucifixion and his burial, the strength of his Resurrection and also of the Ascension, the strength of his return for the realization of the great judgment of eternity.
I wrap myself in this day and bind to me the strength of the love of the same Cherubim, the obedience of the same Angels, as well as the service of the Archangels, to the hope of the resurrection for the prize, the prayers of all patriarchs, the predictions of your two great prophets, the predictions of the renowned apostles, the faith of the martyrs, the innocence of the holy virgins, the good deeds of the confessors.
I wrap myself up on this day and bind myself to myself with the maternal love and also the virginal purity of Mary Most Holy, the daughter of God the Father, the Mother of God the Son. I wrap myself up in this day and bind myself with the strength of God to be able to guide me.
May the power of God Himself be to sustain me, the wisdom of God be to guide me, the eye of God be to prevent me, the ear of God be to listen to me, the word of God be to support me at all times, the hand of God always be willing to defend myself, may God’s way be to receive my steps.
May the shield of God always be to protect me, may the armies of God be there to give me security against all the traps of the demons, against the temptations of vices, against the inclinations of nature itself, against all those who wish me evil to my life, both from afar and up close, whether I am alone or in the crowd.
At this moment I summon all the forces of greater power, which are between myself and these evils against the incantations of the false prophets, against all those black laws of paganism, against all those false laws of the so-called heretics, against all cunning of idolatry itself, against the spells cast by witches, wizards and warlocks.
Against all curiosity that comes to damage both the body and the soul of people. So I invoke the holy name of Jesus Christ that protects me today against poison, drowning, wounds, fire, so that we can achieve the prize in abundance.
Jesus Christ is with me, Jesus Christ is in front of me, Jesus Christ is behind me, Jesus Christ is to my right, Jesus Christ is to my left, Jesus Christ in width, Jesus Christ in length, Jesus Christ in height, Jesus Christ within the heart of every man who think of me, Jesus Christ is in the mouth of all those who speak of me, Jesus Christ is present in every eye that sees me, Jesus Christ in every ear that listens to me.
From the Lord is salvation, from the Lord Jesus Christ is salvation, Your salvation, oh Lord, be always with us. Amen.
This kind of prayer to Saint Patrick is the one that has many kinds of versions and according to tradition it was used by Bishop Patrick of Ireland to be able to become, along with the 8 of his brothers, in deer while they they were walking through the forest and were being harassed by the druid Tara. From that moment it is well known as a powerful prayer for protection and also an invocation to the Lord.
The breastplate of Saint Patrick, Prayer Against the Snares of Evil
This sentence has 2 kinds of versions: A short and a long version, which we are going to know next:
Prayer Against the Snares of Evil and Dark Forces
In this kind of prayer to the breastplate of Saint Patrick, it is made up of Saint Patrick. It is used to get rid of all kinds of evil influences and also the demonic ones.
The following prayer is structured by Saint Patrick himself, a kind of powerful prayer of protection and also of invocation to the Lord. It is known as the Pectoral or even the Breastplate of Saint Patrick because it is the one that constitutes, on the spiritual plane, what in those times was constituted as the armor that was placed on the chest of the same warriors who used to go to the battle.
Prayer is recommended to be done in a state of grace, as it has great protective and liberating power. Various people use it to be able to ward off demonic influences or even the presence of a certain type of evil present in other ways.
The prayer of Saint Patrick has many versions, and according to tradition, it was composed by Bishop Saint Patrick himself while he was fleeing from the Druids through a large forest.
It is even said that when they did it, he and about 8 of his disciples were transformed into deer, and their persecutors, who were harassing them and stalking them closely, never managed to see Saint Patrick and any of the 8 members of the group but a simple herd of deer that were walking in the forest. From that moment it is better known as a powerful protection prayer and also an invocation to the Lord.
(Short version)
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ below me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I sleep, Christ when I sit, Christ when I stand, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.
(Large version)
I rise on this day through the powerful force, the invocation of the same trinity, through coming to believe in the 3 people that make it up, through coming to confess the unity, of the same creator with the created.
I rise on this day through the strength of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ himself and through his baptism, through the strength of the crucifixion and tomb of our beloved Lord, through the strength of the resurrection and the assumption, through the force of his descent to be able to judge evil.
I rise on this day through the strength of the love of the Cherubim, in the obedience of the angels, at the service of the archangels themselves, in the hope that the resurrection will be the reward, in the prayers of the patriarchs, in the words given by the prophets, in the various preaching of the apostles, in the innocence of your Holy Virgins, and also in the works of good men.
Today on this day I rise through the power of the sky, the Light of the Sun, the splendor of fire, the speed of lightning, the lightness of the wind, the depth of the seas, the stability of the earth and the firmness of the rock.
I get up on this day through the strength of God that is what drives me, the power of God is what sustains me, the wisdom of the Creator is what guides me, the Gaze of God is what watches over me, the The ear of God is the one who listens to me, the word of God that comes to speak through me, the hand of God is the one that keeps me, the path of God which is stretched out in front of me.
The shield of God is the one that protects me, the legions of God Almighty ready to save me from the traps of demons, as well as from the temptations of vices, from any kind of evil that is desired, both far and near, alone in a crowd. So on this day I invoke all these powers to stand between me and the evil one, against the ruthless powers that oppose my soul and body.
Against the spells and incantations of the false prophets, against the black laws of the pagans, against all those false laws of the heretics, against all the works of fetishes, idolatry, enchantments of witches, wizards and magicians, against the corrupt knowledge of the body and also of the soul.
My Christ I ask you to help me on this day against filters and poisons, against burns, suffocation, wounds in such a way that I can obtain an abundant reward.
Christ with me, Christ in front of me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ at my right hand, Christ at my left, Christ at the moment of resting, Christ at the moment of getting up, Christ in the heart of every man who comes to think of me, Christ in the mouth of all those who speak of me, Christ in every eye that looks at me, Christ in every ear that listens to me.
I rise on this day through the powerful force, the invocation of the Trinity, through believing in the 3 Persons, through confessing the Unity, of the Creator of Creation.