The best known and used phrases of Pope Francis
The phrases of Pope Francis represent for many faithful a form of inspiration for the Catholic life, through all his trips and visits to different countries of the world, he has left a message of peace and reflection, we invite you to read the following article so that you know these interesting phrases.
Phrases of Pope Francis.
To know the motivation and integrity of ideas that Pope Francis raises in each of his opinions when he visits a place, gives his Sunday homily or simply answers some questions to journalists, you have to know who he really is.
The legacy that little by little it is leaving, is observed by many connoisseurs of the Church, through the transformations that it has been making to the church, it is opening a new stage in the projection of this institution, with the following phrases of Pope Francis, We appreciate what his true message is and what his intention is for the entire Catholic and non-believing universe.
Who is Pope Francis?
named Jorge Mario Bergoglio, was born on December 17, 1936 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, became a priest at the age of 21, demonstrating a relevant vocation towards Catholicism, entered the Villa Devoto neighborhood seminary at an early age, was during For some time in the novitiate of the Society of Jesus, all these activities were carried out in the city of Buenos Aires.
He was president of the Conference of Bishops of Argentina from 2005 to 2011, Cardinal of the Argentine Catholic Church from 2001 to 2013 and Archbishop of the Argentine capital from 1998 to 2013, when he was elected the 266 pope of the Church. Roman catholic.
Bergoglio succeeded Pope Benedict XVI after he resigned from office a few days before Francis was elected on March 13, 2013, in the fifth vote held on the second day of the conclave. Pope Francis has led a fairly active pontificate, and is forming a reformation of the Church through its revival.
It is marked by expressing ideas related to humility and unconditional support for the poor and marginalized of the world, has distanced itself from Liberation Theology and Marxist ideas, opposes communism and has made various proposals regarding change climate.
He collaborates intensely in promoting peace between nations in conflict and has sought to intervene in the search for a solution between the USA and Cuba conflict. The ideas and thoughts of Pope Francis have had a significant impact in various circles of European and world society.
His importance as one of the most important personalities of recent years places him as one of the most influential religious leaders in the last 5 years, the phrases that we present below represent a small part of the total compendium that Pope Francis has expressed to through his pontificate
Phrases to transform life
“He who thinks only of building walls and not of building bridges is not a Christian. This is not in the gospel.”
“Living together is an art, a patient, fascinating and beautiful path.”
“Abortion is not a lesser evil: it is a crime. take out one human being to save another. It’s what the mob does. It is a crime, it is an absolute evil.”
“This is the war of each person: to be free or to be a slave.”
“Find new ways to spread the word of God to every corner of the world.”
“The heart desires joy. We all want happiness, every family, every people aspires to happiness. But what is the joy that the Christian is called to live and witness? It is the one that comes from the closeness of God, from his presence in our lives.”
“Practicing charity is the best way to evangelize.”
“God never gives someone a gift that they are not capable of receiving. If he gives us the Christmas gift, it is because we all have the ability to understand and receive it.”
“Only someone who feels good about seeking the good of others, wishing for the happiness of others, can be a missionary.”
“It is not enough to say that we are Christians. We must live the faith, not only with our words, but with our actions.”
“Idolatry is always polytheistic, aimlessly going from one lord to another. Idolatry does not present a path, but a multitude of paths, which lead nowhere and rather form a labyrinth.”
“Where there is truth, there is also light, but do not confuse light with flash.”
“The secret of the Christian life is love. He alone fills the empty spaces caused by evil.”
“Christmas is joy, religious joy, an inner joy of light and peace.”
During his pontificate, Pope Francis has been creating a way of thinking that has caught the attention of young people, likewise he dedicates a large part of his thoughts to the family, let’s see some phrases addressed to youth and family
“In the family we are formed as people. Each family is a living stone in the construction of society.”
. “Dear young people, do not bury your talents, your gifts that God has given you. Do not be afraid to dream great things!”
“We must restore hope to the young, help the elderly, be open to the future, spread love. Be poor among the poor. We have to include the excluded and preach peace.”
“A healthy family life requires the frequent use of three phrases: may I?, thank you, and I’m sorry.”
“Dear young people, do not be afraid to make decisive decisions in life. Have faith, the Lord will not abandon you.”
“Family is where we are formed as people. Each family is a brick in the construction of society”
“Dear young people, Jesus asks you to be fully awake and alert, to see the things in life that really matter.
“Young people are as attracted by the truth as they are by comfort and coexistence.”
“I love the tango, and I used to dance it when I was a teenager.”
“There are no bad children, nor evil young people, there are only unhappy people.”
With regard to politics and life, Francis expresses quite interesting ideas that attract the attention of many personalities representing politics and religion, some believe that he maintains a political ideological line, but really the phrases of Pope Francis reflect a truth that the world have the right to know, let’s see:
“Are you mad at someone? Pray for that person. That is Christian love.”
“Only the simple mystique of the commandment of love, constant, humble and without pretense of vanity but firm in its convictions and in its dedication to others can save us.”
“You must not attempt against the life of others, but neither pour out on him the poison of anger and hit him with slander. Not to speak ill of him because we come to gossip: gossip can also kill, because it kills people’s reputation!”
“The measure of the greatness of a society is determined by the way it treats those who are most in need, those who have nothing but their poverty.”
“The life is a trip. When we stop, things don’t go well.”
“When you go up, say hello to everyone. They are the same ones that you will find when you go down.”
“Hate, envy and pride dirty life.”
“The real power is service.”
“The world tells us to seek success, power and money. God tells us to seek humility, service and love.”
“No one can grow if they do not accept their smallness.”
“The media only write about sinners and scandals but that’s normal, because a falling tree makes more noise than a growing forest.”
“Today people are suffering from poverty but also from a lack of love.”
“Indifference is dangerous, whether innocent or not.”
“If someone is gay and seeks the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge? We shouldn’t marginalize people for this. They must be integrated into society.”
Pope Francis is a great fan of reading, especially writers such as Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Jorge Luis Borges and Leopoldo Marechal, he is a fan of opera and loves listening to and dancing tango, the traditional Argentine dance, he is considered a great merciful man, among his charity works are activities that he carried out washing the feet of AIDS patients.
Not only small phrases can be found in the intellectual life of Pope Francis, we can also find a very beautiful message dedicated to life, love and the Church, let’s see:
“Being a Christian is not only reduced to fulfilling the commandments, it is to think, act and love like Jesus, letting him take possession of our existence so that he changes it, transforms it and frees it from the darkness of evil and sin.”
“Some human beings want to know why I wanted to call myself Francisco. For me, Francis of Assisi is the man of poverty, the man of peace, the man who loves and protects creation.”
“We cannot continue to believe only in matters related to abortion, homosexual marriage or the use of contraceptives. The teaching of the church is clear, and I am a child of the church but it is not necessary to talk about these issues all the time.”
“An example I often use to illustrate the reality of vanity is this: go to the peacock. It is beautiful if you look at it from the front. But if you look at it from behind, you discover the truth… Whoever indulges in such self-absorbed vanity has enormous misery hiding inside.”
“I don’t trust decisions made in haste. I always distrust the first decision, that is, the first thing that comes to mind if I have to make a decision. This is usually wrong. I have to wait and evaluate, looking deeply at myself, taking the necessary time.”
“A church without women would be like an apostolic college without Mary. The Virgin is more important than the apostles and the church itself is feminine, bride of Christ and mother.”
“We have to work harder to develop a deeper theology of women within the church. The feminine genius is necessary wherever we make important decisions.”
iles, but rather the opposite: it denotes strength of mind and capacity for attention, compassion, true openness to the other, love.”
“Each of us has a vision of good and evil. We have to encourage people to move towards what they think is good… Everyone has their own idea of good and evil and must choose to follow good and fight against evil according to how each conceives it. That would be enough to make the world a better place.”
“Due respect for minorities of agnostics or non-believers should not be imposed in an arbitrary way that silences the convictions of believing majorities or ignores the richness of religious traditions. That in the long run would foster more resentment than tolerance and peace.”
“In some there is an ostentatious care for the liturgy, the doctrine and the prestige of the Church, but without worrying that the Gospel has a real insertion in the faithful People of God and in the concrete needs of history. Thus, the life of the Church becomes a museum piece or a possession of a few.”
“Art and sports widen the soul and make it grow well, with fresh air and do not crush life. Keep being creative, keep it up, looking for beauty, cute things, things that last forever, and never let yourself be trampled by anyone.”
Since the beginning of his pontificate, Pope Francis has had a large number of followers that have allowed him to be considered one of the most up-to-date and modern popes. Just a few years ago, he began to establish contact with the faithful through social networks.
His Twitter account @Potifex, during the first day had more than 200,000 followers and additions, who began to send him messages of blessings, praises and support, during the rest of the days the followers were increasing, having to open another account in English and a second part of the first Twitter account.
Francisco is considered an important spiritual leader in his country, not only because of his works of mercy, but also because of the way he administered the Church of Argentina. During this process, he issued many short phrases that leave many faithful and non-faithful for reflection. Let’s see:
“Unhappy are those who seek revenge and are spiteful.”
“God is the one who gives us the courage to walk against the current.”
“God’s love is limitless: it has no limits!”
“God will always have patience.”
“He who does not pray to the Lord prays to the devil.”
“Charity is the best way to evangelize.”
“God’s forgiveness is stronger than any sin.”
“People are suffering from poverty, but also from a lack of love.”
“Hate must not be spread in the name of God.”
“God’s love is limitless: it has no limits!”
“Money has a duty to serve, not to rule.”
“I long for a church that is a mother and a Pastor.”
“Since God made the world, he also made reality.”
“I love tango, and used to dance it when I was young.”
“In the end, work only dehumanizes people.”
“Love brings light to life and gives meaning even to pain.”
“Prayer is not magic, it is entrusting oneself to the embrace of the Father.”
In the year 2001 during the one carried out by the current saint John Paul II, he was assigned the title of cardinal with the name “Roberto Bellarmino”. Until that date he was an archiepiscopal member of the congregations for divine worship and the discipline of the sacraments in Buenos Aires.
Pope Francis had a very busy schedule long before he was elected pontiff, his activities were highly regarded by the Vatican and for many years he had constantly attended the Holy See where he was requested to ask his opinions regarding Church affairs. . With regard to the modernization and actuality of the Church, Pope Francis said the following:
“We have to work harder to develop a deeper theology of women within the church. The feminine genius is necessary wherever we make important decisions.”
“The Gospel responds to our deepest needs, since we were created for what it offers us: the friendship of Jesus.”
“Far from eliminating, as we often intend or want to do, mercy approaches every situation to transform it from within.”
“Our Father God does not know how to do anything other than love us and make us want, and push us, and take us forward, he does not know how to do anything else, because his name is love, his name is donation, his name is delivery, his name is mercy.”
“There is always the possibility of change, we are in time to react and transform, modify and change, convert what is destroying us as a people, what is degrading us as humanity.”
“Injustice that radicalizes young people, they, «cannon fodder», are persecuted and threatened when they try to get out of the spiral of violence and the hell of drugs. And, what to say about so many women whose lives have been unfairly taken from them.”
“The school of prayer is the school of life and in the school of life is where we are doing the school of prayer.”
“It is the tears that can give way to transformation, it is the tears that can soften the heart, it is the tears that can purify the gaze and help to see the circle of sin in which one is often submerged.”
“In this year of mercy, and in this place, I want with you to implore divine mercy, I want to ask with you for the gift of tears, the gift of conversion.”
“How good it does us to appeal to our memory in moments of temptation. How much it helps us to look at the “wood” from which we were made. Not everything has started with us, and not everything will end with us, therefore, how much good it does us to recover the history that has brought us here.”
“What can be one of the temptations that can besiege us? What can be one of the temptations that arises not only from contemplating reality but from walking it? (…) I think we could summarize it with a single word: resignation”
“God asks you to have a gaze capable of intercepting the question that cries out in the hearts of your people, the only one that has a “shouting party” on its own calendar. To that cry it is necessary to respond that God exists and is close through Jesus.”
“You have known the strength of pain and sin, do not forget that you also have within your reach the strength of the resurrection, the strength of divine mercy that makes all things new.”
“You learn to pray, how we learn to walk, to speak, to listen 10. It is a time of conversion, it is a time of salvation, it is a time of mercy”
“With their lives they are prophets of mercy, they are the understanding heart and accompanying feet of the Church that opens its arms and supports.”
“We have forgotten to focus on what should really be our real concern: people’s lives; “their” lives, those of their families, those who have also suffered because of this cycle of violence.”
“I think that is what the Holy Spirit always wants to do in our midst: make us want, give us reasons to continue betting on the family, dreaming, building a life that has the flavor of home and family (Meeting with families.”
“We lost the charm of walking together, we lost the charm of dreaming together and for this wealth, moved by hope, to go forward, we have to walk together, we have to meet, we have to dream. Do not lose the charm of dreaming. Dare to dream 19. One of the greatest treasures of this Mexican land has a young face, it is its young people.”
In 2005, during the Conclave and the election of the future successor of John Paul II, he was suggested by several cardinals and bishops to be a candidate for Holy Father. He was a leading member along with other cardinals who participated in the 2013 Conclave for the election of the successor to Benedict XVI.
Four votes and two black smokes were held, the result of the votes was elected with 115 votes and he was appointed the 266th, Pope Vicar of Christ and highest representative of the Catholic Church, the smoke (Smoke) was then observed coming out of the cathedral Roman on March 13, 2013 at 7:08 pm.
Among the most important phrases regarding pastoral activities and works of mercy we collect the following:
“Our first call is to experience that merciful love of the Father in our lives, in our history.”
“I am going to ask Jesus to make them grow with a lot of love, with a lot of love, as He had. With a lot of love to be serious Christians.”
“Because from the hand of Jesus Christ it is possible to live fully, from his hand it is possible to believe that life is worthwhile, that it is worth giving the best of oneself, being leaven, being salt and light in the midst of friends, in in the middle of the neighborhood, in the middle of the community, in the middle of the family.
“Jesus, the one who gives us hope, would never invite us to be assassins, but calls us disciples, calls us friends.”
“There is no dialogue with the devil, it is not possible to dialogue because he will always win us. Only the force of the word of God can defeat him.”
“Today I come as a missionary of mercy and peace, but also as a son who wants to pay homage to his mother, the Virgin of Guadalupe, and allow himself to be looked at by her.”
“I ask you that in this prayer of silence we enlarge our hearts to be able to forgive society that did not know how to help us and that so many times pushed us into mistakes.”
“We cannot sleep peacefully while babies are starving and the elderly are without medical assistance.”
“The secret of the Christian life is love. Only love fills the empty spaces caused by evil.”
“The measure of the greatness of a society is found in the way it treats those most in need, those who have nothing but their poverty.”
Much is expected of Pope Francis, he is currently carrying out profound reforms that can help renew the structure of the Church, recently and establishing a code of ethics, he removed several cardinals and bishops from their duties after observing illicit and amoral behavior, not in accordance with the Church.
He established the Council of Cardinals where the opinions of each one are relevant, so that modifications to the curia (council of bishops and cardinals of the Church) have begun. Gradually changes have been observed within the structure of the Vatican, where Pope Francis has had an important weight, then we close this article with the 5 most important phrases said by this great pontiff:
“No human being can ever be incompatible with life, neither because of their age, nor because of their health, nor because of the quality of their existence.”
“The practice of euthanasia is based on a utilitarian vision of the person, which becomes useless or can be equated to a cost.”
“Is it fair to ‘take’ a human life to solve a problem? Is it fair to hire a hitman to solve a problem?
“In our days, as a result of scientific and technical progress, the possibilities of physical healing have notably increased; however, in some respects it seems to diminish the ability to ‘take care’ of the person.”
“But I want there to be trouble in the dioceses, I want it to go outside. I want the Church to take to the streets.”