Benefits of Reiki therapies, advantages and disadvantages
Today there are countless techniques used as alternative methods to conventional medicine, which are becoming increasingly popular. Reiki is one of them, and here in this article we bring you everything related to Reiki advantages and disadvantages , do not stop reading it.
Reiki Advantages and Disadvantages
In order to fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of Reiki, it is necessary to know that certain elements of this healing technique may or may not be beneficial for people, since each individual has totally different characteristics.
In this regard, it should be noted that Reiki is a very important therapy, which is used by many people worldwide, with the aim of curing certain health conditions, all through the positioning of the hands in specific parts of the body. . Many people have total faith in these techniques, but there are also those who are not able to trust unconventional methods of healing, despite the fact that they constitute alternative or complementary therapies.
In addition to this, Reiki is an alternative therapy to conventional medical methods, which in general terms helps to increase self-esteem, relieve physical and muscular pain, and reduce stress. Thus, it is complementary to traditional medicine, and offers multiple benefits for the mind, spirit and, obviously, the body. It is so much so that it is considered that Reiki works to stabilize the energies of the body, in order to achieve harmony and therefore the healing of the main ailments that affect people.
It should also be noted that this is a very old belief, since cultures have always spoken of the existence of an energy that is universal and vital, which is responsible for animating all living beings; At that time, it was understood that the body’s ailments were mainly caused by mental and emotional imbalances, which is why it was sought to unite the body and the soul.
That is to say, since ancient times it is believed that the energies that people possess or that are absorbed in a certain place are the cause of certain ailments, diseases or injuries, which is why methods are used to help cleanse the body of such negative energies, in order to harmonize the mind, body and emotions and, consequently, improve health.
All that is sought with Reiki, advantages and disadvantages, is to recover this energy and channel it, with the aim of performing a natural healing, as it was in ancient times and continues to be today.
In short, everything that has to do with Reiki advantages and disadvantages is specified below, in order to understand precisely what this interesting technique that is used as a complement to traditional or conventional medicine refers to. Although for many it has been effective, for others not so much, but it all depends on each organism and each individual.
Reiki therapies are used by many people who seek to balance the energy contained in their body, as well as this therapy allows the harmonization between the body, mind and spirit. For this, it is sought that the energy flows in the freest way possible, so that it is channeled through the imposition of hands. All this is done so that ailments and diseases can decrease or disappear completely, thus improving the quality of life of the people who practice it.
Now, as for the advantages of this interesting healing therapy, it is worth taking a look at the following list:
- Reiki is considered a complement to conventional medicine, in the sense that it can enhance the effectiveness of conventional treatments that are frequently prescribed.
- Thanks to this method, the body’s chakra can be balanced, since while it is being practiced, the chakras are opened so that the energy enters the body through the hands. In this sense, the body is purged of the negative energy it possesses, to undo the energy blockages that cause ailments or discomfort.
- With all that, it provides serenity and peace to the body.
- It can remove anxiety, sadness, and stress from people.
- It helps reduce depression, since it contributes to the recovery of moods and emotions in people. All this because when this Reiki therapy is practiced, you come into contact with positive energy and bad energies, which repress emotions, move away.
- This therapy can help control anger and fear, as well as anxiety and everything else that has to do with emotions.
- Helps increase alertness and mental clarity, as well as concentration.
- It provides greater vitality, as it increases creativity and improves people’s self-esteem.
- Helps reduce addictions, such as tobacco and alcohol.
- Through these therapies you can get to the cause or root of discomfort, illness or disease, making it easier to treat.
- Because the balance of energies is achieved, the metabolic functions of the body can be improved, which is why Reiki therapies are used to relieve chronic pain, such as muscle, bone and back pain. Through Reiki, the energies that cause pain can be unblocked, and the energy is allowed to flow as freely as possible throughout the entire body.
- Reiki is a therapy used for people to recover from certain injuries, restoring the energy level in the body; In addition to this, misinformation and healing of wounds is accelerated.
- This therapy also strengthens the body’s defenses, since the immune system is strengthened and the lymphatic system is detoxified; for this reason, flu, infections and colds are avoided.
- Now, in what refers to the psychological field, disturbances such as insomnia are reduced, muscle tension is relieved and the quality of sleep is improved in both adults and children.
- Harmony is achieved in the body since it is possible to produce balance and general well-being in people. In addition to this, the energy is stabilized and relaxation is achieved both physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally.
- Another advantage of Reiki is that the body’s abilities to heal illnesses, pain and emotions are accelerated.
- The functioning of the organs and other cells that make up the body is improved; as well as eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia.
- Reduces conditions such as migraine, menstrual cramps, constipation and depression.
- Helps cleanse the body by removing toxins.
- It facilitates the time of gestation, that is, pregnancy, as well as the postpartum period.
- It can be a therapy used to heal certain domestic plants and animals, as they can also absorb negative energy from their environment.
To know a little more about Reiki, advantages and disadvantages, once you have already talked a little about its benefits, it is necessary to mention what are those not so positive aspects of its practice, that is, its disadvantages; It should be noted that they are more related to the Reiki technique itself, but not to the secondary or negative effects that it may cause to the person’s body. In this sense, the disadvantages of these therapies are those specified below.
- The first disadvantage is that Reiki is not considered as a real therapy itself.
- For this reason, this technique is not fully accepted, since it does not exceed its effects in all the people who practice it. In this sense, Reiki can influence each person differently, or not influence it at all, since it depends on each organism and the reaction capacity of each individual.
- It should be ruled out that the vast majority of doctors are skeptical of this therapy as a healing technique, but a large part of society also keeps its mind closed to experimenting and learning about other currents of treatment, so they only cling to their conventional beliefs.
- Finally, this therapy is contraindicated in cases where the presence of broken bones, transplants, implants, burns, heart problems or wounds that are still open is confirmed.
What is Reiki?
After knowing a little about Reiki advantages and disadvantages, it is convenient to define what this practice is, where it comes from and all the elements that compose it. In this order of ideas, it is necessary to define Reiki as a Japanese spiritual practice, through which a large number of diseases, ailments and conditions can be alleviated, through a process in which energy is transmitted through the hands and their disposition. on certain parts of the body.
Although this therapy does not have any scientific basis, the number of people who practice it is increasing, and it is so much so that it is even taught in some hospitals in Spain.
Reiki therapy has a spiritual origin, which consists of the transmission of vital energy through the hands, and although some people associate it with some kind of magic, others rather prefer to leave aside all its mystical aspects and used as one more technique, to promote meditation and relaxation. In this sense, there are those who affirm that Reiki can cure certain diseases, while others maintain that it contributes to physical and spiritual self-healing.
Be that as it may, there are theories for and against, because not everyone believes in the effectiveness of these techniques, in addition to the fact that they go against all science or scientific foundation. However, for many doctors and therapists, it is considered a complementary technique to conventional medical treatments.
Strengthening of the body, mind and spirit
Now, with regard to Reiki advantages and disadvantages, it should be mentioned that this is considered an alternative therapy, as such it is a system through which the mind, spirit and body are harmonized; In addition, the vital energy of the Universe is used, which is channeled and dispersed towards the energy sources found in the body, all through the imposition of hands. All this is carried out in order to regularize the body itself, in order to treat certain imbalances such as physical, mental and emotional.
It is necessary to emphasize that to carry out Reiki therapy, many studies or instruments are not necessary, since it is very simple but may not be as effective. In addition to this, it can be carried out at any time and place, with the sole use of the hands, in order to alleviate the ailments and conditions of the body. Now, this technique seeks to create awareness about the importance of harmonizing the body with the mind and spirit, in order to heal the past, live in the present and visualize the future.
More than a therapy, it is a process that seeks to create an opening towards the inner Self for personal growth. After applying this process, the person will be able to relate better to others, will live in peace and happiness following the five basic principles derived from this therapy, which are indicated later.
All these principles are considered the very essence of Reiki, advantages and disadvantages that are raised at a general level to understand a little more how this interesting technique of relaxation, meditation and consequent healing works.
Reiki and life energy
Reiki is not considered an ancient tradition, as is acupuncture, for example; consequently, it was developed during the year 1922 by a Japanese Zen Buddhist whose name was Mikao Usui. Subsequently and progressively, Reiki spread and spread by several masters, who made it become popular throughout the world. Thanks to all this process, today this therapy is used in many countries worldwide, and is also well known by people.
Through the practice of Reiki, the existence of a so-called vital energy of the Universe is assumed and affirmed, which is present in all places and dimensions, such as the Cosmos, nature and human beings themselves. At the time this energy flows through our bodies, the defenses are active and consequently the body can experience a high level of well-being. On the contrary, when this energy stops flowing, it is when certain diseases and conditions appear, such as stress, anxiety, among others.
Now, based on this Reiki therapy, it is believed that other people are capable of transmitting their vital energy to others through their hands, all in order to unblock the vital flow for the sake of reactivating the immune system and reaching self healing.
Therefore, Reiki does not cure diseases as many people think, it does not affirm that the energy that runs through the hands has a healing power. What actually happens is that the hands of a master who has sufficient training are capable of unblocking the flow of vital energy to achieve the awakening of the defenses, and thus be able to balance the mind and spirit of people.
However, many practitioners strongly believe that Reiki helps to cure stress, anxiety, headaches, muscle aches, speeds healing, and also relieves pain from chronic conditions such as cancer and rheumatism.
But it is no secret to anyone that scientifically there is no vital energy capable of traveling through the universe and our bodies, nor has it been possible to detect any type of energy transmission through the laying on of hands. That is why doubts arise since thousands of people claim to have overcome ailments and relieved the pain of diseases by practicing Reiki.
Reiki Essence
It should be mentioned that Reiki, like most of the therapies that have been inspired by Buddhist culture, is not by itself a healing technique, but rather it is a path that allows us to find balance and harmony of life. In this sense, it is a method used in a complementary way to conventional medicine, which is based on five basic principles, which allow us to focus on life; These principles are expressed in the following lines:
- Do not be angry.
- Don’t worry.
- Be grateful.
- Work hard.
- Be kind to other people.
These are considered the five basic rules or principles of Reiki, which must be recited and practiced frequently in order to achieve harmony of the energies in the body and mind. Similarly, it is the very essence of these therapies. Another important detail about this interesting technique has to do with the fact that it has had a strong influence from Hinduism, since the vital energy of the Universe is capable of unblocking the chakras, which consist of six or seven sources of energy that, believe, all people have in their bodies.
In this order of ideas and according to this belief, when the chakras are blocked it is when our emotional and immune defenses are low, and consequently all kinds of physical and psychological illnesses occur. That is why Reiki therapy is used to act on a physical level, but it is also widely used on a spiritual, mental and emotional level.
All this is very interesting, since it is shown that not only the physical is treated, because the mind can also be harmonized with the spirit in order to achieve an energy balance, which can be extremely beneficial for health in general.
therapeutic session
Reiki therapeutic sessions last approximately forty-five minutes, where the emitter of the energy, which is also called a channel, is in charge of transmitting its vital energy to the receiving subject, to make the vital energy flow again. The person who is going to receive the energy must lie down fully clothed and with bare feet, although some techniques require that certain areas such as the legs or back be covered with clothing. The session can also be set with aromatherapy and even relaxing music.
The person in charge of carrying out the therapeutic session, called a Reiki master, is in charge of placing his hands on different parts of the body, which are the energetic points that are connected to the chakras; some play with them and others just come closer. Now, these energy points are the following: the crown, the eyes, the neck, the chest, the forehead, the stomach, the shoulders, the lower back, the legs, the ankles and the feet.
The process consists of placing your hands on these points and staying that way for a few minutes, although in some areas a small relaxing massage is usually performed.
This is all that is required for Reiki, nothing more. Thus, the vital energy flows from the emitter to the receiver, thus producing the unblocking of the energies. For their part, many Reiki masters maintain that this energy is intelligent, that is, it knows where and when and how to act; it is also something simple, since just by taking a weekend course, you can obtain a certificate to perform these therapies, and there are even courses that only take four hours, and can even be done online.
Finally, it should be noted that some of these therapies include the use of stones or crystals, which help to focus the chakras more.
Healing, meditation or placebo?
It is already known that Reiki, advantages and disadvantages, has a series of theories both for and against, and that it does not have any scientific basis that supports its effectiveness in medicine; however, there are many people who claim to have been healed by Reiki, or at least that is what they think. In this sense, scientifically there is no evidence of the existence of a vital energy capable of affecting all living beings, nor that it can be transmitted through the imposition of hands.
In this sense, studies carried out by the American Association against Cancer, the Cancer Institute of the United Kingdom and the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, have not been able to find any evidence that Reiki therapies help treat diseases, more beyond the placebo effect, which is the same as suggestion.
In 1996, it became known about an interesting experiment carried out by a nine-year-old girl, who was very impressed when she saw a healer on television who applied therapeutic touch, which is a variant of Reiki through which it is affirmed. that vital energy can be felt through the hands to channel and heal, without touching them.
This girl wanted to experiment to see if this was true, and so she made two holes in a wooden board, through which the therapist put his hands without being able to see more of the receiver’s hands; several participants agreed to participate in the tests, where the girl would toss a coin in the air to decide which hand of the therapist she would place hers on, without touching it, and the healer had to find out which one it was, by detecting the vital energy that she claimed to feel. They were only correct forty-four percent of the attempts, since there are only two possibilities.
However, there is no scientific proof that affirms the existence of a vital energy that cures diseases or relieves symptoms; however, the World Health Organization accepts Reiki as a complementary therapy for the treatment of illnesses.
The reason has to do with its application, not with beliefs, since in the first place Reiki does not present any contraindication for people, since it does not interrupt any treatment, nor is it used as a substitute treatment, in the same way it does not imply ingesting or inject anything, not even physical contact because they only place their hands on certain areas.
In this sense, it does not cause any type of injury to people, since there is no direct physical contact, nor are other treatments or medications involved, it is simply a complement to conventional treatments that are usually used to treat certain diseases.
It should also be noted that the practice of Reiki is closely related to meditation and relaxation, because the patient must lie down with their eyes closed and it is common for them to fall asleep. In addition, there is a calming effect, all due to the use of relaxing music and aromatherapy.
In addition to this, there is a therapeutic effect caused by the affection and human contact that the patient can feel, which can be by the imposition of hands on the different parts of the body or by the simple fact of feeling the concern on the part of the patient. from someone else who is trying to heal and lessen ailments; for this reason, by uniting the elements of affection, meditation and relaxation, it is possible to generate a calming effect and great well-being, which produce a decrease in stress and anxiety, as well as minimizing ailments, diseases and illnesses. Your symptoms.
It is for all these reasons that the relaxing effect produced by these therapies allows to relieve pain derived from the treatment of chronic diseases, which may be related to the muscles, joints, systems or the functioning of the organs themselves; including problems related to the mind and emotions, so it can be very impressive.
That is why some hospitals use Reiki as a supportive, complementary or alternative therapy. It is so much so, that although its functions are a simple placebo, the fact that a patient can say that he feels better by a simple suggestion, is more than enough to say that it is a benefit against chronic or terminal illnesses.
Science notoriously denies the effectiveness of Reiki as a complementary treatment therapy, or may not be able to explain how these effects occur. In any case, researchers must go beyond all these benefits, in order to enter the field of healing, understand how the release of vital energy, spiritual balance and many other aspects that are related to the effectiveness of Reiki happen. h your benefits.
It is then clear that Reiki advantages and disadvantages is a very interesting topic, although it is also very controversial, since there is no scientific basis to support its effectiveness.
However, it is impressive to note how many people claim to have been cured by these techniques, or at least that is what they suggest. Be that as it may, always what is related to relaxing techniques will be beneficial for people, since through certain calming effects the body can be relaxed and tension released, which helps to get rid of stress and consequently reduce anxiety. . This is good for anyone, and opens the way to lessen ailments and so on.
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