Learn how to perform a prayer for the brothers in Christ
The prayer for the brothers is made so that God blesses their paths and fills them with peace. It is extremely necessary that as children of God we pray for the blessing and peace of our brothers. It is necessary to ask him to collaborate with each of the tests that he passes in his life. God is the only one capable of comforting his sadness, the Creator with his power heals wounds and restores hearts through love and mercy.
prayer for brothers
I thank you my dear Creator for giving me the brothers you gave me at birth, with their special qualities. God, you give us brothers with different elements and you bring them with their qualities that allow them to fulfill each of their purposes. Allow my brothers to have a beautiful life on earth, full of much goodness.
I beg you my dear Lord to help me and collaborate in the relationship of brotherhood. Allow my words to fill our lives with life and blessing. May every action of brotherhood be positive for our hearts. Allow your voice to be of encouragement and edification for our lives.
I apologize on behalf of my brothers and myself. My dear God allows us to be eternally united as your children. I ask your forgiveness for each of our lack of words, attitudes and actions that cause a bad relationship between brothers and in turn with you my Lord.
I implore you to renew our bonds of brotherly love. May you be our refuge my Lord, allow our brotherly love to give us the opportunity to help each other. (Be sure to learn more about faith in God )
In advance I thank you again my Lord for your pleasant and good word that we find ourselves in harmony and send blessings to our lives as a family, full of spiritual fulfillment.
God that we always have your word engraved in our minds and in our souls, allow your essence to be sealed in our hearts amen.
sentence 2
Heavenly Father, you who are good and kind, I thank you for the gift of my brothers. They are a sign of affection for my life, allow me to love them in the same way that you love them. (See New Testament Article )
My savior Jesus Christ, you who are my older brother, I ask you to pray to our Father for his well-being. May we remain united as brothers full of goodness and harmony of God.
My dear Creator, you who are glorious and all powerful, do not allow the treasure of faith to be lost. Do not allow the claws of hate to enter our lives. May indifference and selfishness move away from our family.
Collaborate with us and allow us to build a good fraternity that anticipates each element found on earth and collaborates with the perfection that leads us to achieve eternal life, in your kingdom in heaven.
Mary you who are our mother, keep your children always together as good brothers. So be it my Lord. Allow God that our life is full of love and your mercy, amen.
Sentence 3
My dear Father, you together with your son and the Holy Spirit, allow us to achieve as brothers to reach the kingdom of the Lord. I pray that your presence is found within our hearts.
I come as your humble son to ask that our family be united and any difficulty be overcome in the name of the Lord. I want with my brothers to enjoy every minute of your presence.
I don’t need anything to know that you love me and in turn to be aware that your grace and mercy will be part of our life as brothers. I want to fulfill your will my dear Father, because in every moment of my life I want to be with you.
That is why I ask you my Lord to tell me what you want from us and in turn guide us to the path you have stipulated for us. Let your signals be heard through the beating of our hearts, amen. (See: The Bible and Marriage )
What should we do?
We must pray in the name of our Heavenly Father, giving thanks that from heaven will be for us and our brothers. Thanks to his mercy we have to be confident that when we repent of our sins God allows us to be part of his Kingdom. We have to let ourselves be carried away by his will on earth, from heaven.
On the other hand, it is necessary that we forgive our debts and thus forgive our debtors. In addition to this, we must request that we not fall into temptation, getting rid of evil.
On the other hand, it is positive that we fast, without making a sad face, like the hypocrites who are capable of disfiguring their faces so that it is observed and known that they are fasting. When you fast then you must be presentable to God.
On the other hand, it is important that we accumulate treasures as brothers who reach the kingdom of God and give us the goodness of heaven as a reward. The treasure of God’s love will be found in the hearts of his children.
On the other hand, you must ask God that the body of his children be enlightened by the mercy of the Lord. Trust in the Lord as brothers allowing him to guide his children to a path out of darkness, close to his merciful kingdom.
Jesus and his brothers
In the times when Jesus was on earth, he told his brothers how they should pray and adhere to the beliefs of our Father in search of being heard as brothers.
In addition to this, I make it clear that our dear Heavenly Father is aware of what we need as a family, long before being asked, but despite them, according to the teachings of Jesus, we must still pray.
It is our Father who from his kingdom in heaven satisfies our needs as brothers, as long as we comply with the will that he has stipulated for us. (See: The Bible )
He forgives our offenses and allows us not to fall as a family into the temptation that leads us down the path of evil and family disunity. That is why as brothers we must forgive their faults and ours, just as the Heavenly Father does.