Phrases from the heart of Saint Francis of Assisi
The phrases of Saint Francis of Assisi maintain a spiritual validity today due to their high value of knowledge and wisdom, their deep content serves as moral support for many people, enjoy reading each of these beautiful phrases in this article.
Phrases from the heart of Saint Francis of Assisi
Each idea and thought of this important figure of Christianity reflects knowledge and wisdom in each sentence, as a great thinker. The ideas of this Saint were the reflection of a life full of work and passion to carry forward the word of Jesus and show the way to many faithful.
We will try to present some of the most relevant phrases of Saint Francis of Assisi, where the reader can have access to a long list of ideas that allow him to reflect on life, love, faith and passion that every human being must take into account. count daily
Who was Saint Francis of Assisi?
Born in Italy in the year 1181, he was a Friar who dedicated his life to Catholicism, he served as a deacon and preacher from a very young age, leaving aside the luxuries and ostentatious life to dedicate himself to preaching Christianity.
He grew up in a wealthy family, his original name was Giovanni di Pietri Bernardo, he was the son of a very famous merchant in the city, Giovanni worked for a long time with his father, he had a vision of Jesus Christ in 1206, which inspired him to follow the path of Christianity, even against the criteria of his father who was furious when Giovanni had decided to follow the path of spirituality.
Founder of the Franciscan order, he was also a great innovator of the Church, he based his ideas on the love of God, Kindness, fraternity and poverty, during the Middle Ages he had many lower-class followers, which earned him prestige and the respect of many people.
He is a very important figure within Catholicism, his ideas influence today even many very faithful people who follow the thoughts of this famous character, his life ends in the year 1226, when he dies but after two years he is canonized by the Pope Gregory IX, the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi is celebrated on October 4, the date of his birth.
San Francisco left many works that serve as moral and spiritual support to many people, many phrases can be extracted from them that we bring to the reader today in order to encourage the figure of this important character.
Phrases for love
Saint Francis of Assisi based his ideas on preaching love in its different forms, especially towards God, who represented for him the maximum inspiration and manifestation of faith, in the following phrases based on love, we appreciate the spiritual depth contained in the ideas of this great Franciscan.
“All the good that we can do, we must give for the love of God, and the evil that we avoid must be avoided for the love of God.”
“Courtesy is the sister of charity, which extinguishes hatred and fosters love.”
“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
“Blessed is he who has no more joy and gladness than the Lord’s own words and deeds.”
“Man should tremble and fear, the world should vibrate, the whole sky should be deeply moved when the son of God appears on the altar in the hands of a Father.”
“I have lived everything profane. If God can work through me, he can work through anyone.
“If you, as a servant of God, are worried, immediately resort to prayer and prostrate yourself before the Lord until joy returns.”
“Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you.”
“O Lord, may I not seek so much to be comforted, as to console, to be understood, as to understand, to be loved, as to love.”
“How much more lovingly can one of us love and nurture his brother in spirit.
“Nothing else are we to do but be diligent to follow the will of God and to please him in all things.”
“God created all creatures with love and goodness, big, small, in human or animal form, they are all children of the Father and he was so perfect. It is useless to walk anywhere to evangelize unless our path is our gospel.”
“He is happy who retains nothing for himself.”
“Let us love God and worship him with a simple heart.”
for goodness
The conglomerate of the phrases of the Saint Francis of Assisi represent the way in which he related love with kindness, his dedication to favor the poor, made him a just and kind cleric, each idea was intimately related to his actions, the Phrases related to kindness are also a reflection of your daily practice.
“Nothing better to relieve hatred than a dose of happiness and company.”
“While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to hold it even more fully in your heart.”
“Without prayer no one can progress in divine service.”
“He searches above everything; and let us always make room and dwelling in them for him who is the Lord God Almighty, Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit.”
“If God can work through me, he can work through anyone.”
“It is by giving oneself that one receives, it is by forgetting oneself that one finds oneself.”
“If there are men who exclude any of God’s creatures from the protection of compassion and mercy, there will be men who will treat their brothers in the same way.”
“Praying daily makes us kind.”
“Just as some animals feed on others to survive, God told man that he could take the animals he needed only until he found a better solution, not for capricious clothing or to make them his slaves or entertainment.”
“May the peace that you announce with your words be first in your hearts.”
“Every creature in disgrace has the same right to be protected.”
“It is in giving that we receive.”
To defeat the suffering
One of the strongest enemies that the spirit of man has is suffering, even in other religious currents such as Buddhism, suffering is the main enemy of man, in this case Saint Francis of Assisi sought ways to alleviate and minimize situations uncomfortable and worrying of the people with whom he had contact, the phrases are a reflection of that interaction.
“Jesus Christ called the one who betrayed him a friend and offered himself spontaneously to those who crucified him.”
“It is by forgiving that we are forgiven.”
“A ray of sunshine is enough to chase away many shadows.”
“Where stillness and meditation reign, there is no room for worry or dissipation.”
“Lord, to me, a sinner and unworthy, you have sent from heaven this consolation and sweetness; I return them to you so that you can reserve them for me, since I am a thief of your treasure.”
“The devil rejoices, above all, when he manages to snatch joy from the heart of the servant of God.
“Prayer makes us close to God, although He is always close to us.”
“Thankfulness to God is a way of being humble and kind.”
“Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance.”
“Where there are wounds, let me sow forgiveness.”
“Where stillness and meditation reign, there is no room for worry or dissipation.”
For life
Leading a full life based on wisdom allowed this saint to preach various ways of how to face spiritual and emotional problems in life. We recommend this part of the article as a form of support when you feel that your life is out of balance.
“When spiritual joy fills hearts, the serpent pours out its deadly poison in vain.”
“Whoever obeys should not look at his superior to man but to the one for whose love he has given himself to obedience.”
“He told me that he wanted me to be a new madman in this world.”
“Wealth confuses greed and avarice with the cares of this world.”
“Wisdom is achieved based on experience and lessons learned.”
“Let us fight to achieve the serenity to accept the inevitable things, the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to be able to distinguish one from the other.”
“Terrible is death! But how desirable is also the life of the other world, to which God calls us!”
“It is by dying that one is resurrected to eternal life.”
“No one should be called an enemy, everyone is your benefactor, and no one harms you. You have no enemy but yourself.”
“Do not hold back anything of yourselves so that the one who gives himself completely may receive you whole.”
“Be patient with all things, but especially with yourself.”
“The servant of God must shine for his life and holiness.”
“I need few things and the few that I need, I need very little.”
“He is a faithful and prudent servant who, for every sin he commits, hastens to spy on them: internally, by contrition and externally by confession and satisfaction of work.”
“Let’s start serving, let’s do our best. What we have done so far is little or nothing.”
“Remember that when you leave this world, you cannot take anything you have received with you; only what you have given.”
“Sanctify yourself and you will sanctify society.”
“All the brothers must preach through their works.”
“Animals are my friends and I don’t eat my friends.”
“I need few things and the few things I need, I need very little.”
“We have been called to heal the wounds, to unite what has fallen apart and to bring home those who have lost their way.”
“Start by doing what is necessary; then do the possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
“What you do may be the only sermon some people hear today.”
“Nothing else are we to do but be diligent to follow the will of God and to please him in all things.”
“He who works with his hands is a worker, he who works with his hands and his head is an artisan and he who works with his hands, his head and his heart is an artist.”
“Entering yourself in looking for faults in your neighbor is proof enough of not taking care of your own.”
other phrases
Below we leave other phrases related to various situations in spirituality, faith and life, the reader can enjoy reading these beautiful phrases related to the life and work of this great character.
“Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words.”
“The true teaching that we transmit is what we live; and we are good preachers when we put what we say into practice.”
“Temptation overcome is, in a certain way, the ring with which the Lord preaches.”
“May the peace that you announce with your words be first in your hearts.”
“Prayer is a true rest.”
“For a small reward something invaluable is lost and the giver is easily provoked not to give more.”
“Man, possessing nothing of his own, belongs to God.”
“Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance.”
“Above the grace and gifts that Christ gives to his loved ones, there is overcoming oneself.”
“Don’t canonize me too soon. I am perfectly capable of fathering a child.”
“The devil rejoices, above all, when he manages to snatch joy from the heart of the servant of God. He fills with dust the smallest cracks of consciousness that can dirty the candor of the spirit and the purity of life. But when spiritual joy fills hearts, the serpent pours out its deadly poison in vain.”
“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, sow love; where there is offense, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.”
“When your mouth is filled proclaiming peace, try to have your heart even more full.”
“Cordiality, generosity and good manners always add up.”
“It is no use going everywhere preaching, unless our walk is our preaching.”
“The true teaching that we transmit is what we live; and we are good preachers when we put what we say into practice.”
“Preach the gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words.”
“Do not fight with each other and with others, but try to humbly respond by saying, ‘I am a useless servant.’
“His actions may be the only sermon some people listen to today.”
“Start by doing what is necessary; then do the possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.”
“We have been called to heal wounds, to unite what has fallen apart, and to bring home those who have gone astray.”
“True progress proceeds silently and persistently, without warning.”
“While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to harbor it in your heart as well.”
“The grace and gifts that Christ gives his faithful the power to overcome oneself.”
“We must seek not so much to pray, but to become prayerful.”
“Whoever obeys God should not obey another man, but the one for whose love he has given his obedience.”
“The demons are not the ones who have crucified you, it is you who have crucified yourself with them and continue to crucify yourself still, delighting in vices and sins.”
“It is not appropriate, when one is in the service of God, to have a sad face or a fearful look.”
“For a small reward something invaluable is lost and the giver is easily provoked not to give more.”
“The works you do may be the only sermon some people will hear today.”
With these phrases you can appreciate all the spiritual talent of Saint Francis of Assisi, a man full of wisdom, who received inspiration from Jesus Christ to form a congregation and revolutionary ideas within Christianity.
We recommend praying to Saint Francis of Assisi , in order to learn more about this figure so relevant to Christianity, also considered spiritually ahead of his time.