The Christian Prayer to the Blood of Christ for children
The blood of Christ is very popular among devout believers of Christianity, that is why today we bring to you the Blood of Christ Prayer for Children , this prayer is very popular because of the great effectiveness it has shown to have.
Blood of Christ Prayer for Children
In the Name of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, I seal and protect, with the Power of the Blood, of Jesus Christ the Lord, to:
(This part of the sentence is to place the name of each of the children)
and I ask God the Almighty Father to send the Most Holy Virgin and her husband Saint Joseph, their Angels, Archangels and Saints from Heaven to guard them, guard them and keep them away from all evil, all need and all adversity, to assist them and guide them in their ways and do not allow them to receive any harm.
I seal and protect you, with the Power of the Most Precious Blood, of Jesus Christ our Lord, from all accidents, all dangers and natural catastrophes. I seal you with the Power of the Precious Blood of Jesus, which is really present in the Holy Eucharist, from all illness, pain and physical suffering.
I seal and protect you with the power of the Saving Blood that Jesus Christ shed for our redemption from every enemy of the body and soul of every person, facts or events through which the enemy wants to harm them.
Oh my Lord Jesus, by your Blood shed bravely and generously on the Holy Cross, I beg you to cleanse and purify my children:
(Each of the children is named)
seal their soul, body and spirit, their mind, heart and life so that they win all the battles against evil, I beg you to give them strength, health, defense and help at all times and especially in any bad situation.
I ask you, good Jesus, by the merits of your Blood, do not allow them to go through necessities, provide them with all the material and spiritual things they need to live with dignity and without worries; keep them away from all bad influences and from everything that could harm them, surround them with helpful, noble, honest and loyal friends and people who know how to educate them and give good advice, and to us, give us wisdom, give us the means, to be the good ones parents we should be, and help us to be understanding with them.
Christ Jesus, Lamb of God, who has saved us with your Blood, we praise you! We bless you! We adore you! your Sacred Blood, especially that of my children:
(Each of the children is named)
Oh Blood that gives us peace with God and grants us mercy and forgiveness! I ask you not to stop preserving my children from all evil, that your Blood makes them invisible and covers and helps and comforts them in their problems:
(In this part of the prayer you ask with a heart full of faith and hope what you want to achieve through prayer)
Lord Jesus Christ, pour out your Blessings on my children! May your Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, flow through his veins, and, my beloved Lord Jesus Christ, hide them in the Immaculate Heart of the Most Holy Virgin Mary! Blessed and praised be forever Lord.
Oh God, who asks us for the love of our hearts, grant my children the grace to always live in the love of Jesus and obtain their eternal salvation through his Blood; we deposit in your divine hands, our children
(Each of the children is named)
and we thank you for loving them more than we love them, and we know and trust you will give them a future full of hope, love, peace, progress and well-being. In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and through Jesus Christ our brother and Lord. Amen.
Pray three Our Fathers, Hail Mary and Glory. Make the prayer and prayers three days in a row, repeat every three months, or before if you think you need special protection or help with problems.
Sentence Analysis
This prayer begins by entrusting itself to the Holy Trinity, after imploring protection through the blood of Christ, the names of the children who want to be protected are mentioned. Later you can see how several members of the heavenly choirs are asked to protect them, at this point it is seen how the blood of Christ is granted the power to protect our children from all evil, even from a natural disaster .
The Prayer of the Blood of Christ for the Children narrates in a certain way the process through which Jesus Christ went through his passion, thus explaining why this blood is so powerful and capable of protecting our loved ones. The narration not only explains why the blood of Christ is powerful, but also explains that the blood of Christ has the ability to purify our children for which their names are said again.
Then it is asked that the blood of Christ penetrate strongly into his being so that there is no battle which he can lose. This prayer also shows how Jesus is asked not only to protect our children physically, it is also asked that their surroundings, that is, the people who surround our children are adequate, also parents who have the wisdom to knowing how to be understanding and being able to support them on their journey.
Then in prayer it is seen how those who pray exalt the figure of Jesus Christ, also how he grants peace with God the father, that is why he is asked to take care of our children, in addition to a specific request to take care of them. Then you see how God is asked to endow our children with blessings and grant them the opportunity to live under divine grace.
Finally, it is seen how the prayer ends with thanks to God for loving our children in a more intense way than we love them. As is customary in prayers, it ends by praying a series of Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glory Be, in addition to giving certain instructions to follow to make the prayer more effective.
Prayer of the Blood of Christ for every day
My God come to my aid, Lord, hurry to help me. I invoke the powerful protection of the Most Precious redeeming Blood of Christ, King of the universe and King of kings.
In the name of God the Father, in the name of God the Son and in the name of God the Holy Spirit: with the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ the Lord, I seal and protect, protect and seal, my conscious, unconscious, subconscious, my reason, my heart, my feelings, my senses, my physical being, my mental being, my material being and my spiritual being.
My God come to my aid, Lord, hurry to help me. All that I am, all that I have, all that I can, all that I know and all that I love, is sealed and protected with the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ the Lord. My God come to my aid, Lord, hurry to help me.
I seal my past, my present and my future, I seal my plans, goals, dreams, illusions, everything I undertake, everything I start, everything I think and do, is well sealed and protected with the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. Mr. My God come to my aid, Lord, hurry to help me.
I seal my person, my family, my possessions, my house, my work, my business, my family tree, before and after, everything is sealed and protected, with the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ the Lord. My God come to my aid, Lord, hurry to help me.
I hide in the wound of the wounded Side of Jesus, I hide in the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, so that nothing and no one can affect me with their evil, their bad words and deeds, with their bad desires or with their deceptions, so that no one can harm me in my affective life, in my economy, in my health, with their evil sent, with their envy, with their bad eyes, gossip and slander, or with magic, spells, spells or hexes.
My God come to my aid, Lord, hurry to help me. My whole being is sealed, everything around me is sealed, and I……. I am forever protected with the Most Precious Blood of our Redeemer. Amen
Prayer Reflection
In this prayer you can see how the one who prays recognizes that he is lost, also turns to Jesus Christ recognizing him as the king of kings. Then in the name of the holy trinity, the one who prays protects himself in every possible way. God is recognized that everything that can be done is thanks to him, in addition, we ask him to help us because without his precious help we cannot go further.
It can be seen how the one who prays this prayer seals not only his personal desires, but also seals his being over time under the blood of Christ. The person who prays this prayer protects his person, his loved ones, his most precious possessions, all under the protection of the blood of Christ, but always lets it be seen that he needs his help because without him he would not be can achieve anything.
All those who resort to this prayer turn to Jesus to overcome their problems, they take refuge in him and in the heart of the Virgin Mary, in addition, they recognize that this protection is so powerful that there will be no force capable of defeating it. Whoever prays this prayer always recognizes before God that he is unprotected and needs God’s support, he needs to be covered by the blood of Christ.
Prayer of protection of the Blood of Christ against all evil
Lord Jesus, in Your Name, and with the power of Your Precious Blood, we seal every person, deed or event through which the enemy wants to harm us. With the Power of the Blood of Jesus we seal all destructive power in the air, on earth, in water, in fire, under the earth, in the satanic forces of nature, in the abysses of hell, and in the world in which we will move today.
With the power of the Blood of Jesus we break all interference and action of the evil one. We ask Jesus to send the Blessed Virgin to our homes and workplaces accompanied by Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael and her entire court of Holy Angels.
With the Power of the Blood of Jesus we seal our house, all those who inhabit it (name each of them), the people that the Lord will send to it, as well as the food, and the goods that He generously sends us for our support.
With the power of the Blood of Jesus we seal the earth, doors, windows, objects, walls and floors, the air we breathe and in faith we place a circle of His Blood around our entire family. With the Power of the Blood of Jesus we seal the places where we are going to be this day, and the people, companies or institutions with whom we are going to deal (name each of them).
With the power of the Blood of Jesus we seal our material and spiritual work, the businesses of our entire family, and the vehicles, highways, air, roads and any means of transportation that we will use. With Your precious Blood we seal the acts, the minds and the hearts of all the inhabitants and leaders of our Country so that Your peace and Your Heart finally reign in it.
We thank you Lord for Your Blood and for Your Life, since thanks to Them we have been saved and are preserved from all evil. Amen.
Reflection and analysis of the Prayer
In this prayer it can be seen how clearly the one who prays it is covered with the blood of Christ in the face of any entity or adverse situation, and also uses it to move through the uncertain world in which we live. Christians who pray this prayer protect themselves from all beings under the influence of the evil one, in addition, they also use it to walk accompanied by angels and archangels.
Practicing Christians who make use of this prayer protect their environment by bathing it with the blood of Christ, they also protect the people who live with them, as well as the food they consume. Those who pray this prayer protect the accesses to their homes and even their windows thanks to the Blood of Christ.
This prayer is used to protect us also in the places that we are going to transit during the day, in addition, it also protects the people that we will see. It is used so that our actions, minds and hearts remain serene and with the peace that only the blood of Christ is capable of providing.
Prayer of the Blood of Christ for urgent or very difficult cases
Oh blessed Blood of Jesus Christ! Immaculate blood, human and divine, wash me, clean me, forgive me, fill me with your presence; Purifying blood that gives strength, I adore you in your Eucharistic presence on the Altar, I believe in your power and sweetness, I trust in you to preserve me from all evil and I ask you from the depths of my being: penetrate my soul and clean it, fill my heart and inflame it.
Most Precious Blood shed on the Cross and throbbing in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I adore you and offer you my praise and love in homage, and I thank you, Lord, for your blood and your life, since thanks to them we men have been saved and we obtain defense against everything bad that surrounds us.
Oh Jesus, you have given me the precious gift of your Blood, and on Calvary, with courage and generous dedication, you cleansed me of all stains and poured the price of my redemption; Oh Christ Jesus, who on the altar is my life, you communicate life to me, you are the source of all known graces, and the great gift of God to his children, you are the proof and promise of Eternal Love towards us.
I appreciate all the opportunities in which I have been saved and protected with your strength and power, which sustains me in the certainty of the absolute understanding of my weaknesses, my vulnerability and your ability to protect me from the evil that surrounds me, from the snares of the devil that always surround us beyond our strength and possibilities.
Thank you for being Royal Blood that frees our lives from darkness and from the instruments of evil that often come to harm us. Amen.
Opinion, reflection and analysis of prayer
It can be seen that in this prayer the first thing that is done is to praise and recognize the greatness that the blood of Christ possesses, then the benefits of purification that it has are recognized, in addition, it is asked to enter our being and our heart, all this in order to be safer and protect ourselves from evil.
This prayer recognizes that the blood of Christ was shed to cleanse us from sin, that is why we repay his sacrifice with love and praise, in addition, we recognize that thanks to his blood we have true salvation. Jesus is thanked for having shed his blood for us and having cleansed us of evil by granting us forgiveness.
Thanks to this prayer, we can thank God for giving us the gift of having sent his son Jesus Christ to earth to cleanse our sins, it is recognized that this was his proof of love for humanity. We thank God for all the times we were protected with the strength and purifying power that blood has and for all the times he was able to understand our weaknesses.
The prayer ends by asking for protection from the vulnerabilities and evils that could affect us, in addition to the presence of the evil one, the one who seeks to attack at the most unexpected moment. This prayer may be the one that most exalts the concept of the blood of Christ, in addition to being the one that has the most praise.