To start the work day, an effective prayer
In the morning it is important to thank God for the opportunity to live another day and for those who leave home very early we offer a prayer to start the day at work , because sanctifying our day is the best way to make it productive.
Remember that you can always do it in your own words, however, we present a series of short sentences for this purpose, so be sure to check out our article.
Prayer to start the work day
There is no better way to start your work day each day than praying, so that it is productive, prosperous, light and happy.
A prayer to have a good day at work is an excellent opportunity to communicate with Jesus and ask him for all your desires and projects, for what you long for at that moment.
It is a way of receiving from him the necessary strength so that each day he gets out of bed and leaves his house with courage and optimism, and not with the usual complaints.
Remember that work is not bad, but it is the gateway to make many of our projects and desires possible, it is a means to undertake and achieve our goals,
There are many people who say a prayer to start the work day with the intention of feeling good, peaceful and blessed.
We invite you to try it and notice the difference with one of these short sentences:
To start the day before going to work
Father, in this place and at this time I want to thank you, because I can open my eyes and breathe again and this represents another opportunity to continue appreciating and enjoying life.
Heavenly Father I am very grateful for this opportunity, because you never leave me alone and you are always by my side, teaching me which is the right path. Blessed be Lord.
Good Father I thank you, because despite my imperfections, you love me as I am, since before I existed you forgive me and accompany me.
Bless my day, my family and me, that today lead me under your grace and protection. Deliver me from all evil Lord Jesus. Amen.
To do our job well
There are several of this type of prayer, so we recommend that you choose the one that most identifies with you and makes you feel comforted:
Heavenly Father, first of all, I thank you for guiding me and accompanying me in every moment of my life. Well, thanks to your divine power and protection, I am now at my workplace, safe and sound. Thank my Lord!
At this moment I ask you Lord, take away laziness, laziness and negligence from my body to have a productive, calm and inconvenience-free work day.
Lord, help me to be a cordial, pleasant, helpful, proactive and cheerful person, who does not let me get carried away by unpleasant and negative situations that may occur.
Lord, give peace and love to my being at all times, to carry out all my activities and commitments as you please.
Eternal Father, I thank you because I know you listen to me and you never leave my side, thank you today and always Lord. Give me your blessing. Amen.
The following is a little shorter, however it is an excellent prayer to put your ornate work in God’s hands:
Almighty Father, I come before you to ask you today for my job performance.
I ask that when you enter my workplace, you are by my side, you present yourself with me,
I ask you that everything I say is correct and appropriate, that you be the one to put the words in my mouth.
I ask you to bless my thoughts and actions within my office.
Bless my projects, plans and ideas, big or small, may they all be for your glory.
Give me energy and good attitude so that my work is well done and appreciated.
Lord, I ask you to renew my heart, give me generosity and charity to treat with cordiality and kindness those who require my services, solving their needs.
I ask you, Lord, that my work this day be to your liking, glorify you and above all fulfill your divine orders.
I also ask you Heavenly Father that at the end of my work day, you direct me to my destination protected by your mantle, to arrive safe and sound to it.
Full of blessings to my family and, protect and take care of my home at all times, especially when I am not with them, and may I find each person and thing well when I return.
My beloved Jesus! Receive my gratitude, today I praise you, I adore you and I venerate you, because I know that you will give me everything I need and you will put happiness and prosperity in my path for me and my family.
In the name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.
To find the best in my environment
Heavenly Father God, at this moment as I enter my workplace, I invoke your presence, to thank you for this new day and for my job.
Lord, I ask you to fill this company with your peace, your grace, your compassion and your perfect order.
I beg you to grant your blessing to all that we speak, think, decide and do within this enclosure.
Give your blessing, Jesus, to my bosses, co-workers, customers and those who in one way or another relate to me this day.
Also bless my plans, projects, ideas and everything that is in my charge, so that everything is a testimony and sample of your glory.
Give me eyes to see the best and positive in those around me, even when hidden. Give me a mouth that says encouraging and altruistic phrases, that gives smiles frequently, but that does not talk about rumours, slander or offenses.
Lord, give me two hands that do their work with honesty, enthusiasm and love.
Give me an open mind for good ideas, to see the goodness in others, to understand and respect, without prejudice even when they think differently from me.
Give me wisdom to solve all the inconveniences and carry out all my tasks with efficiency, punctuality and joy.
I ask you not to let me faint, to renew my strength and my enthusiasm to do my job in the best possible way. Guide me when I feel confused, strengthen me when I falter and give me your light when I am lost or tired.
On this day I implore you, Lord Jesus, to give me a generous and kind heart, to respond and pay attention to all the people who need me.
Lord, may this working day everything I do and the way I do it glorify you, praise you and be consistent with your teachings and precepts.
I also ask you that when I finish my work you take me with love and safety to my home, protected with your sacred mantle. Amen.
To get to the workplace safely
This morning I ask you glorious Father to bless me, accompany me, keep all evil away from me and take me with good to my workplace.
Keep me from all evil and open all my ways to arrive on time, calm and well.
I affirm and proclaim that I am covered with your precious and sacred mantle, and directed by the path of your glory and will.
Lord Jesus, I ask that you cover with the glow of your light all my life and my path, that no trick or trap of the enemy can touch me and that no evil can reach me.
I am confident in your protection on my way to my workplace and I ask you, Lord, to activate an army of angels around me and that the Holy Spirit lead me.
Thank you Jesus, Lord of Heaven and Earth, because your presence always guides me, accompanies me and protects me wherever I go.
Thank you, beloved Jesus, because I know that my life is protected in your hands and my path is protected by your army of angels . Amen.
To bless your job in the morning
It is very important to recognize the goodness of the Lord with us and thank them.
Our job is our source of income, the possibility of a decent life for us and our family, therefore it is important to be thankful for having it and to put our day in more of the Lord.
I leave you a beautiful prayer so that you entrust your work day to God very early: